Linda Lancashire Psychic

Symphony Of Synergy


The main ingredient of stardom is the rest of the team, the people who work invisibly and tirelessly around the clock behind the scenes. They rarely receive any accolades, awards or applause, but they stand there in the wings ensuring the show remains on the road.

Teamwork is vitally important, but it is also challenging and demands a lot of hard work, dedication and vision to get right. There is no such thing as a self-made person. They can only realise their goals and achievements with the help of mentors, advisors and associates. It’s never a case of what you know, but who you know. There are friends and enemies in every camp.

Effective collaboration is more than strong relationships and trust. It requires everyone involved to be dedicated and focused on a shared purpose. It takes a tremendous amount of negotiation, dedication and visualisation, believing in a dream to realise success.

Independent people combine their own effort with the efforts of others to achieve their desired outcome. No one is an island. Everyone needs someone because each person has their own specific set of skills and gifts to contribute towards making a project elevate towards eminence. Individual commitment to anything undertaken can be exceptionally valuable towards the building of empires. It’s not just about building your own personal reputation, but about being there for other people, the next upcoming generation who need your help and support the most.

No relationship or partnership can operate smoothly when everyone stubbornly wants their own way. Inflexibility, tunnel vision, over inflated egos, lack of accountability and selfishness can all lead to failure. Doing what’s best for all concerned is what keeps the connection going. It requires understanding, good communication, honesty, transparency, listening and the willingness to compromise over matters, irrelevant of how great or small they may be to succeed. As with most things, inevitably, sacrifices must be made because nothing in life is free. A price must be paid for everything. Trust, respect and honesty develop over time, as does getting to know each other.
If all parties concerned are committed to building and maintaining a good relationship, they will learn to manage any conflict or unpleasantness that may arise in a healthy, productive way. Become a problem solver, not a problem creator. Make it a golden rule never to let a period of conflict go unresolved. Always find the courage and confidence to address issues rather than allowing them to fester. Opt to open your heart and rather than shutting down and reverting to avoidance and denial tactics. There is no right or wrong, only different peoples perspectives and perceptions of situations.

Everyone has a right to their opinion and should not be misinterpreted or misjudged. It’s important to have personal boundaries and make others aware of them. Respect yourself and others will respect and honour you. Always be willing to establish new boundaries as and when necessary because circumstances can change very quickly, and often without much warning. Breaking up, terminating a partnership or agreement, theoretically, can be the easiest or hardest thing to do, but it should always be the last option. Alone, we can do so little, but together, we can do so much.

‘We are the bridge, built on trust and hope,
Spanning over challenges, a strong rope.
Together we stand, support, and care,
In teamwork, we find strength rare.
Together we rise.’

You are not the work you do, you are the person you are.

Love and light,
Linda and the Lulas xxx


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