Linda Lancashire Psychic

It All Passes, Until Then, It Teaches


Let nothing disturb nor frighten you. nothing frighten you because everything passes when it is time. All the trials and tribulations we have endured cannot be compared to those interior battles which keep us awake, worried and tormented. It is important to have courage to face and deal with everything that confronts us rather than always running away and living in a state of confusion and denial.
Look at you surviving a storm you once thought you would never be able to weather. It’s the journey that matters because it is the only way you will grow and discover who you really are. Learn life lessons to further your understanding of how the universe works. Impact positively so that if you never reach your desired destination, at least you will leave behind a legacy to be remembered.
Life is under no obligation to give you what we want, or even desire. No one has it all. If you have one thing then you may not necessarily have another. If you are reading this, then congratulations, you are alive, and if that isn’t something to smile about, then I don’t know what is. There is neither happiness nor misery in this world, only the comparison of one state of mind with another. Those who have felt the deepest grief are able to experience the greatest happiness. We must know what it feels to nearly perish in pain and suffering to appreciate what truly feeling alive means. The world is full of danger and treacherous perils, and there are many dark hidden places, but there is also much that is gloriously beautiful, to be admired, enjoyed and appreciated. It is the experience of love mingled with sorrow and despair that causes us to experience feelings and emotions on such a wide spectrum. The very least you can do for yourself is to decide what it is you are hoping to accomplish. The most you can do to hold onto that hope, promising never to give up on your quest to become the very best version of yourself.
And as you continue to learn how to fly, you may still not clearly know what you are intended for, but the miracle is that as long as you spread your wings, the winds of time will carry you along your journey, and when you least expect them to, miracles will begin to happen. There are two places where you need to go often. Those places that inspire whilst healing takes place. All the things you do for yourself will disappear into oblivion when you are gone, but when you do things for others, they are never forgotten and remembered for all eternity.
It is foolish to think that we can enter heaven without entering into ourselves. It is love alone that gives worth to all things. Caring and sharing is never wasted. What we sow, so shall we reap. Never stop writing your story in ink as proof that pain can be transformed into beauty.

‘All things pass
A sunrise does not last all morning
All things pass
A cloudburst does not last all day
All things pass
Nor a sunset all night
All things pass
What always changes?
Earth . . . sky . . . thunder . . .
mountain . . . water . . .
wind . . . fire . . . lake . . .
These change
And if these do not last
Do man’s visions last?
Do man’s illusions?
Take things as they come
All things pass.’

Love and light,
Linda and the Lulas xxx


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