Linda Lancashire Psychic

The Impact Of Debt Is As Old As Time


It’s easy for people to say that they don’t care about money when they have plenty of it, or just trying their luck persuading others to part with theirs.
Life can take you up and put you down at any time, fortunes can be made and lost overnight, but always remember that we alone are responsible for the choices we make and the consequences that follow.

Debt can be the worst poverty of all and the most difficult to bail out of. The journey to becoming debt free and solvent has its challenges, but it can be done if you are prepared to be strict, structured and disciplined. Whether you are budgeting for the first time to curb your spending, or tackling other debts, downsizing and living more economically, it can all take its toll on health, family life and work. It is perfectly normal to sometimes lack the motivation needed to achieve your desired goals, but if you are going to survive and start afresh, you must find a way through all the chaos and disturbances. Something that is owed, a liability or obligation can so easily add up over a period of time or increasing depending on interest accumulations. The condition of being such an obligation will surely have consequences if methods to resolve such problems are not taken seriously.

Take your debt journey seriously if you are to enjoy newfound liberation and freedom. Spending more than you earn to keep up with the latest lifestyle trends, or impressing people can drag you further down into the abyss. Money always costs too much when borrowed in so many ways. Remind yourself how important your future goals are before committing yourself to anything you may later regret as you may discover that friendship and business do not mix well.

If you are not amongst those who avoids taking on debt, opting to pay for your purchases outright, then you are sure to enjoy greater peace of mind. It is even more important that those same feeling extends to your personal life, especially if don’t like being indebted or obligated to other people. Sometimes accepting even, a small favour can feel uncomfortable if it isn’t in your nature to live this way. It is always wise to live independently, within your means answerable to none. Keep your secrets safe and your wallet tightly closed.

People who genuinely have money don’t necessarily engage in conversations about the subject with the wrong people. It’s usually those who haven’t got much disposable income who tend to show off and brag so as to impress, completely oblivious to how foolish they sound. Never spend money before you have earned it. It’s not a case of how much you earn, but how much you can save because rainy days are always lurking behind every corner.

The money you have provides with you freedom and choices, whereas the money you pursue will always enslave you. It is a terrible master, but an excellent servant. It won’t buy you happiness, but a distinct lack of it can certainly buy you misery.

‘He who loses money, loses much;
He who loses a friend, loses much more;
He who loses faith, loses all.’
‘Neither a borrower or lender be’.

Love and light,
Linda and the Lulas xxx

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