Linda Lancashire Psychic

A Weed Is But An Unwelcomed Flower


In a world that constantly attempts to diminish our self-worth and confidence, it is crucial to find inner peace, solace and strength somewhere within the deepest and most private realms of our soul. Self-love is a crucial aspect of our overall wellbeing, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually because without it, we are lost.  We must all walk the long journey towards our total acceptance if we are to achieve a good outcome and quality of life. For some, the path is smooth, whilst for others, it is more difficult. Life is made up of a series of natural and spontaneous changes caused by vibrational fluctuations created in and around our environment, which in turn, affects our responses to challenges, crises and other factors affecting our daily lives. The secret is not to resist them, but to allow the energies to flow naturally of their own accord. It is not possible to relive your life, erasing all the negativity without losing the essence of all that which has contributed towards making you the person you are today. Letting go doesn’t mean that you never cared, it is arriving at the realisation that the only person you ever really have control over is yourself.  You cannot escape from yourself, or reality, by continuing to run away because there is no hiding place.

To deny your own experiences, or your true identity, is to dishonour yourself whilst continuing to live a lie. Intolerance in another person is the first sign of an inadequate education. Unlearned people tend to act with arrogant impatience, whereas a well-informed person displays humility, compassion, empathy and understanding. Those who hide from the truth become adept at whitewashing facts and intense emotions because they are afraid of revelations. They look for easy options and get out clauses by using avoidance tactics and distraction methods. Whilst attempting to throw you off the scent, they often protest too much about disliking drama, yet their whole lives are one big dramatic, attention seeking performance from start to finish.  When they suspect you are onto them, they will avoid answering your phone calls, or keep you waiting. They intently dislike the truth because they don’t want their illusions shattered, preferring to live in their fantasy world of make belief. They will act as though you are deliberately awkward to deal with because you are not easily fooled. One day it will all come tumbling down, brick by brick.

In order to maintain hope and faith, you do not need to point out, or prove that someone else’s path is wrong. Perhaps it is right for them at that moment in time. Focus your time and energy on what is important for your own wellbeing and survival. An ache and desire for a place to call home dwells within the heart of all of us. It’s that private safe abode where we can safely retreat to reflect, meditate and rest a while. The more you know who you are, and what is both acceptable and unacceptable, the less you will allow external influences to upset you. Never judge others by their outward appearance because there is probably much more to them that initially meets the eye. Once you begin to peel back their protective layers, there is much to be discovered and enjoyed, or be repulsed by depending upon the circumstances. One of the most important things you can do is to listen to everything someone is not saying whilst watching what they are doing. Only those who truly care about you can hear you clearly when you are at your quietest. May you be amongst those who understand your language so that you don’t have to spend a lifetime translating your soul story.

‘The time will come
when, with elation,
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror,
and each will smile at the other’s welcome.’


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