If you sometimes feel overwhelmed or anxious about the unknown, take heart because you are not struggling alone. It’s only natural to feel apprehensive, filled with anticipation and self-doubt when embarking upon a new voyage into unknown terrain. You will never know how far you can go, or how much can be achieved by remaining stationary. If life was always predictable, it would cease to be interesting and exciting, without colour, texture, music, art, literature and other precious elements, but filled with various shades of darkness. Not all paths lead to the colonies we expected to arrive at, but towards destinations intended for us to grow, learn and mature.
Life is filled with moments of not knowing, having to change, accommodate, willingness to accept what is, whilst making the best of everything without knowing what is likely to happen next. Those people who avidly embrace uncertainty, seeing them as useful experiences, will always make the greatest progress and impact upon on their audiences and followers. They demonstrate the importance of being brave, courageous and daring, a whole new meaning to nothing ventured, nothing gained. They do not try to artificially drive the ambiguities and contradictions out of situations but project their brilliance by leading the way forwards to discovering new worlds.
Elements of uncertainty and mystery are the energies that encourage us to explore whilst seeking solutions to other problems, puzzles, tests and conundrums. Don’t let anything unusual scare you unduly because there is nothing to fear. Magic lives within us and surrounds us. It keeps us alive. Not knowing what’s going to happen next is something we have all occasionally experienced, so it’s imperative to remember that everything is destined to be the way it must, and very often things happen for the best in the long term. The secret is to keep your faith and hope in your heart, never allowing it to diminish.
Nature is always in a state of flux where nothing is fixed and everything in this life is transient, forever moving, evolving, decaying and eventually perishing. This is why spiritual growth must always be our first main priority because it is our only true constant. There are no guarantees in life, no certainties, just the ever-changing flowing river of life reminding us of the inevitability of birth and death. Joy and pain go hand in hand. Our life has a soul purpose, and we are here to live and experience so many different events needed for our survival and spiritual purity, but no one ever said any of it was going to be easy. Some people dream of a perfect fairytale ending, but they quickly learn that some stories neither have a clear beginning nor a happy ending. We are not presented with a roadmap at birth giving clear instructions of how life should be lived. It is about learning to deal with every challenge and situation that crosses our path, adapting to each situation whilst making the best of it, for better or for worse.
Time only goes forwards, so you can never return to anything expecting it to be the same as when you left it. Never believe that an hour you remember is a better hour, because now they are just memories and cannot be resurrected and manifested. We must all walk the walk and be done with it. It is only when we are brave enough to explore the realms of the unknown that we can discover the infinite power of our own light.
The beginning of all knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand but prepared to learn about. The magic fades too fast, and the scent of the seasons never last. The nights draw in because nature must sleep, just as nothing lasts forever nor remains the same. There is a beginning and an end to all things. The future is unknown, but so is your potential until you discover and accept who you truly are.
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.