Hello Readers
Some people never know peace nor rest, such is the state of their restless, troubled lives. They act and behave as though they have not yet met themselves. Are they coming, or are they going? They occasionally think they have glimpsed themselves in other people, but not quite sure what they are looking for. Past relationships and other projects will always be an unfinished part of them. Even during rest times, they can be really agitated and dissatisfied with the way things are turning out, nothing like they expected or imagined, but there again, did they put the hard work and effort in to succeed at anything? Peace for the soul lies only in repentance and acceptance for what is. For some people it’s never enough.
Those who awaken at some ungodly hours feel a lonely separation from the rest of the world, but night birds and shadows, together with the legion of other kindred souls scattered during the sleeping hours stare at ceilings, pace floors and look out of windows, coveting, worrying and mourning that which was never destined for them. Some people have never been able to settle for long in anything, always seated askew, as if leaning on the arm of a chair, ready to get up, to leave at a moment’s notice, but without a destination or good reason in sight. There is no recognition with haunted faces smeared with confusion and wonderment. Their inner selves are bound by ideas that logically cannot possibly work, but still they refuse to listen to common sense, blindly meandering their way through all the chaos and confusion they themselves have caused. Dreams are confused with reality and the permanent defeat of life comes when dreams are surrendered to what is staring at them in broad daylight.
It’s so easy to find yourself lost in a maze without any beginning nor end in sight. As you wander round, you meet others who are equally lost, confused and frightened, not exactly sure of who they are, or where they are supposed to be going. The world seems to be full of people in positions of power, who feel the need to make statements that can’t be guaranteed, argued with nor readily changed. They view everything from their perspective, refusing to compromise, or even listen to other opinions and perspectives. Yet, if they are so right, why are there still so many unresolved problems? Surely, it’s obvious that life’s biggest questions have multi layered solutions, and yet nothing satisfactory is accomplished. There might not be an ideal way to make everyone happy, but if you are honest about your good intentions, they will be received well.
You either carry on seeking an exit out of your current situation, or you could try standing on other people’s shoulders so that you can see what lies beyond before making a leap of faith. Perspective is important. Whenever you are feeling out of your depth, the need to prioritise becomes imperative to your success and survival. If don’t have any direction, you will continue to remain lost and without purpose. Instead of worrying about what others might say about you, why not spend more time enjoying your own company and private space because the experience is priceless, but often not for the faint hearted.
Putting your affairs in order and reducing the stress and anxiety attached to such tasks will give you more control over your life choices and the company you keep. Personal organisation frees you to operate more effectively and efficiently without the need of approval and validation from others. Faith and hope allows you to see possibilities in so many situations, but what is needed the most is a place called a sanctuary.
A restless mind creates all kinds of problems as the soul lies in wait for that magic moment when shackles are cast aside allowing it to fly free once more.
Peace does not dwell in external things, objects and people, but somewhere deep down in a place that no one knows even exists. So many things grab the interest of others during conversations, but not enough holds them to account, or even to make a commitment, such is the extent of their turmoil. So many are either running away from their problems or running towards ones that don’t even concern them. As is so often said, there is no peace for the wicked.
‘Do not turn me
restless waters
if you cannot promise
to be my stream.
Wild wings that too often need to fly.’