Linda Lancashire Psychic

News and forthcoming events: Hello Readers

Trust The Wait, There Is Never A Dull Moment

HELLO READERS If you sometimes feel overwhelmed or anxious about the unknown, take heart because you are not struggling alone. It’s only natural to feel apprehensive, filled with anticipation and self-doubt when embarking upon a new voyage into unknown terrain. You will never know how far you can go, or how much can be achieved […]

Your Value Is Not Connected to Perfection

Hello Readers The most important day of your life is when you acknowledge that you are who you are. Never change to please others. You don’t need to be accepted by anyone, just quietly accept and rest yourself and everything else will fall into place.  Stay ad lovely as you are, and smile. Words are […]

Winners Compare Their Achievements With Their Goals

HELLO READERS What lies behind you, and what lies in front of you, pales into insignificance when comparing to what lies within you. Ensure that your goals are not measured alongside the achievements of others, or you will begin to lose faith in yourself. Your growth and progress will baffle and expose those who are […]

Invisible Threads Are The Strongest Ties

HELLO READERS The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards developing spirituality and solitude. Some people are so keen to put the details of their private life in public that they fail to understand that invisibility is a superpower like no other. What people don’t know they become more curious […]

They Are Not You

HELLO READERS How many shades of light or darkness separate the distance between love, hate and indifference? How little the graduated scale of love and infatuation is understood, yet endured out of duty, obligation and self-sacrifice? Ardent mothlike admirers sizzle their wings upon the flames of their objects of desire, who, in turn, ignore and […]

The Past Can Only Be Escaped By Embracing Something Better

HELLO READERS Nostalgia is a powerful emotion that often leads us down memory lane allowing us to relive moments from our past. Many people see their lives as set in stone and immovable. They both venerate and revile it as immutable, unchanging and unalterable, therefore imprisoning themselves in a past that no longer exists, only […]

The Wise Know Their Limitations Where Fools Rush In

HELLO READERS Over time you will begin to realise the futility of worrying and instinctively know what is right and what is a complete waste of time and space. Along the way you get to understand your limitations and how damaging it can be to constantly agree to accommodate those who don’t care about you. […]

January Users In New Beginnings

Hello Readers Winter is a season in the cold, and a fallow period when you are isolated from the world, blocked or sidelined. You are in a period of extreme transition and have temporarily found yourself in between two very different worlds. Some changes are appallingly sudden, taking us by surprise. Events offer happen unannounced […]

Observing, Encountering and Knowing

HELLO READERS Sensitives and deep feeling souls are absorbers of all the swirling emotions and energies surrounding them. They are highly aware of other people’s presences to the point where they soak up their attendances thoughts and feelings which cause them to feel overwhelmed and anxious, which is why it’s important to put down some […]

Linda Lancashire’s 2025 New Year Horoscopes

Linda Lancashire’s 2025 New Year Horoscopes Aries March 21 – April 20th A year of transition where the subject of finances will be prevalent encouraging you to prepare for a few surprises in your career and business areas. Matters will come to a head in your romantic life and there will be difficult decisions to […]

Happy Christmas and New Year

HELLO READERS Christmas sentimentality is a time for plunging into the festive fun as the season wraps itself around you like a warm, cosy wrap, but it warms more than just your body, it warms your heart mind spirit and soul with a beautiful, sentimental haunting melody that will last for all eternity. Christmas is […]

Givers Need To Set Limits Because Takers Rarely Do

HELLO READERS A guaranteed way to fail is to try to please others, especially the undeserving ones who will take advantage of your kindness and generosity without offering anything in return. There is a very fine line between trying to please others and making sure that your own needs are being met. Your need for […]

Step By Step, Day By Day

HELLO READERS Become obsessed about improving yourself in every way possible starting by keeping all those promises to yourself whilst rebuilding your empire from the smouldering ashes of yesterday. Never forgot that walking away from someone, or something unhealthy, is a brave act of intention, even if you find yourself stumbling on your way out […]

Life Is A Daring Adventure, Or Nothing At All

HELLO READERS Life is an unpredictable journey into the unknown, and sometimes taking risks is the only way to grow and discover our true potential. If you think adventure is dangerous, routine can be lethal, whilst monotony could affect your ability to think and function sanely. Seek changes and challenges like the air you breathe, […]

It’s All Just An Illusion

HELLO READERS Of the terrible doubts of appearances, and the certainties of what we think we are seeing or hearing is that we just might be deluded. Carrying hope when feeling distrustful is nothing more than mere speculation. When the impalpable, and the sense that words and reason hold no value or meaning, never make […]

You Are The Master Of Your Attitude

HELLO READERS Life is a complex tapestry woven into every fibre of our body in different colours, strengths, textures, roughly or smoothly by the decisions we make and the consequences we must be accountable for. The importance of any memory is measured by the happiness or sorrow it holds. All occurrences are real and cannot […]

Drifting Apart Day By Day, Yet Still Holding On For Dear Life

HELLO READERS The meaning of detachment or disengagement is the action or process of separating, whilst demonstrating indifference to other people, or to your surroundings. It requires the ability to break free of emotional bonds, things, or situations. It’s about being able to observe and experience reality, events and experiences without being overly influenced or […]

Someone Out There Feels Better Because You Exist

HELLO READERS You have what it takes to turn this world around, but first you have to believe it. Self-prioritising happens when you align your thoughts, energies habits and desires according to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. Never confuse this with being selfish, ignorant and negligent of those around you, or your duties […]

If You Chase Two Hares, You Catch None

HELLO READERS Whatever you chase will elude you by running away further and faster, so stop chasing success and realise you already have it all, if you could all but see it. Never hunt love, affection nor attention. If it isn’t given freely, it isn’t worth having. Never pursue a lie, instead let it alone […]

Someone Out There Feels Better Because You Exist

HELLO READERS You have what it takes to turn this world around, but first you have to believe it. Self-prioritising happens when you align your thoughts, energies habits and desires according to your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. Never confuse this with being selfish, ignorant and negligent of those around you, or your duties […]

When You Are Going Through It, Grow With It

HELLO READERS Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions shattered. There are times when it’s best to be alone. We are not meant to be happy all of the time, but to experience every emotion whilst fully embracing both pleasure and pain because this is the only way […]

It All Passes, Until Then, It Teaches

HELLO READERS Let nothing disturb nor frighten you. nothing frighten you because everything passes when it is time. All the trials and tribulations we have endured cannot be compared to those interior battles which keep us awake, worried and tormented.  It is important to have courage to face and deal with everything that confronts us […]

Rise and Rise Again Until Lambs Become Lions

HELLO READERS Hold yourself responsible for maintaining a higher standard than others expect of you. Never excuse nor pity yourself because no one is neither bothered nor listening. We are all worth more than the worst things we have ever done. No one is without blame. Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we just […]

Question Everything, Learn Something, Answer Nothing

HELLO READERS True wisdom bestows itself upon us when we realise how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us. The pursuit of knowledge is a lifetime devotion to personal growth and higher learning. The more we uncover, the more we arm ourselves with the necessary intelligence to overcome the adversities that […]

A Weed Is But An Unwelcomed Flower

HELLO READERS In a world that constantly attempts to diminish our self-worth and confidence, it is crucial to find inner peace, solace and strength somewhere within the deepest and most private realms of our soul. Self-love is a crucial aspect of our overall wellbeing, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually because without it, we are lost.  […]

There Is No Greater Fall Than One From A Burnt Bridge

HELLO READERS With success comes the never-ending task of deleting, blocking or weeding out fake friends and all the other opportunities who are happy to help themselves from the troughs of freebies, but have nothing to give of themselves . It can be very difficult to recognise who is a sweet talker, or the sweet […]

The Impact Of Debt Is As Old As Time

HELLO READERS It’s easy for people to say that they don’t care about money when they have plenty of it, or just trying their luck persuading others to part with theirs. Life can take you up and put you down at any time, fortunes can be made and lost overnight, but always remember that we […]

We All Need Another Soul to Cling To

HELLO READERS Those who have never experienced the beauty of happy mutual love have missed the best thing that life has to give. Anyone who imagines that they can work completely alone will ultimately discover themselves surrounded by rivals and competitors rather than companions. The fact is, no one ascends alone because we all need […]

It All Passes, Until Then, It Teaches

HELLO READERS Let nothing disturb nor frighten you. nothing frighten you because everything passes when it is time. All the trials and tribulations we have endured cannot be compared to those interior battles which keep us awake, worried and tormented. It is important to have courage to face and deal with everything that confronts us […]

Love And Loyalty Run Deeper Than Blood

HELLO READERS Loyalty that crumbles in adversity was never constancy and devotion to begin with. A true loyal heart doesn’t waver when faced with challenges, it stands firm and resolute throughout the worst of tempests. It is an action, not a slogan. Be careful who you open up your heart to. People will want you […]

You Don’t Have To Tolerate Anything

HELLO READERS Our greatest glory is not avoiding failure, but in rising up from out of the darkness every time we fall into the abyss. Any kind of recovery is an acceptance of the choices you previously made. Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction can be a strong indication that improvement and growth […]

Walking Through The End, The Beginning Is Near

HELLO READERS Our souls speak a language that is beyond many people’s understandings. It is a connection so rare that the universe will always keep us close and together. The soul knows when the search is over, and then it is done. Listen to your heart and never be afraid to meet your shadow.  Use […]

Symphony Of Synergy

HELLO READERS The main ingredient of stardom is the rest of the team, the people who work invisibly and tirelessly around the clock behind the scenes. They rarely receive any accolades, awards or applause, but they stand there in the wings ensuring the show remains on the road. Teamwork is vitally important, but it is […]

Keep Every Promise You Make

HELLO READERS Promises are the threads that weave trust and security into our relationships, but devastation can be wreaked when they are unexpectedly broken, and friendships become fragile and even severed. The bitterness of a broken heart can often leave us feeling betrayed, disappointed and damaged beyond repair, but these occurrences happen all the time. […]

Sitting At The Crossroads Of Life

HELLO READERS Let go and give yourself a chance to heal of what hurt you in the past, but never dismiss or ignore what your experiences have taught you. If everything, collectively, has encouraged you to hold onto grudges, behave spitefully whilst seeking revenge, then you haven’t learned anything thing at all. So, there you […]

Who Are You Trying To Impress? Better Still, Why?

HELLO READER Trying to impress other people is possibly the biggest insult you can hurl at yourself because your efforts will be to no avail. Why is their opinion so important, and when do they take your advice seriously, or even value your interest in them? It’s time to open your eyes to reality before […]

Winners Make The Effort, Losers Make Excuses

Hello Readers Success in life is not for those who run the fastest but for those who keep on running and are always on the move. Wisdom is an abstract word not seen in words, but in actions and deeds. Winners and losers are clearly distinguishable because the winner is always part of the answer, […]

We Are What We Love 2024

HELLO READERS We make our first habits and then our habits make us. The problem with change is that it requires us to adjust and change with it. Most of us do not like our routine disturbed, even if the changes are positive because often there is stress and fear of the unknown to deal […]

Time Is Measured In Minutes, Life Is Measured In Moments

HELLO READERS Place your heart in a dark place where no one can see nor hear it beat on your personal voyage of destiny. You fall in love without realising the cost, but you still take the risks regardless of the consequences. This burning need for acceptance stems from within because betrayal often comes from […]

Somewhere Inside The River There Is An Unfinished Story

Hello Reader Sometimes you have to make a decision that will break your heart but will help you to survive. Often, we are hesitant to heal because our pain is the last link to what we so tragically lost.  Although you may be struggling, you are also in the midst of conquering your demons. Your […]

Stop Venting To People Who Use Your Pain As Entertainment

HELLO READERS Buried deep somewhere in a frozen heart is your self-worth, belief and integrity. Everything you have accomplished is a direct result of your belief in turning the once deemed impossible into a reality. Vivid flashbacks of your past remind you how far you have come. Whoever doesn’t get along with you, well, that’s […]

Read A Page From Your Soul One Night At A Time

HELLO READERS If you have a strong purpose in life, you don’t have to be pushed or cajoled because your passion and determination will drive you there. Never march to the beat of someone else’s drum. The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. When they walk alone, they […]

Love All, Trust Few

And when at last you find someone to whom you can pour out your heart and soul shares your deepest hopes and fears, you can easily be taken aback in shock at the words you dare to utter. Being so open and transparent can make you feel exposed and vulnerable because of what you have […]

Every Situation Is Made Better By A Cool Head

HELLO READERS – Nothing in all nature is more certain than the fact that no single thing or event can stand alone nor still because everything is evolving and changing. It is attached to all that has gone before it, and it will remain attached to all that will follow it. It was born of […]

The Ego Wants to Go Faster, The Soul Wants To Go Slower

Hello Readers Just because things happen slowly does not mean you will automatically be ready for them. If they happened too quickly you would be ready and alert for all kinds of suddenness and happenings aware that speed was trump. Slowness works in an altogether different principle, on the deceptive impression that there is plenty […]

My Heart In In The Sky

HELLO READERS One of the most important things you can do in life is to let people know they are not completely alone.  Bless souls while they can still be reached because so many silently slip away into oblivion. Never underestimate the lingering effects of a dash of spontaneous love and comfort because you may […]

Keep An Open Mind On The Sacred Road

HELLO READERS Refuse to limit yourself by standing still instead of discovering new areas of expertise and adventure. By taking a logical stance, you can find positive perceptions, despite some of the negative things which annoyingly hinder you along your journey. It is how our mind perceives our environment which determines our ability to understand […]

The Ego Wants To Go Faster. The Soul Wants To Go Slower

Hello Readers, Just because things happen slowly does not mean you will automatically be ready for them. If they happened too quickly you would be ready and alert for all kinds of suddenness and happenings aware that speed was trump. Slowness works in an altogether different principle, on the deceptive impression that there is plenty […]

Who Are You Trying To Impress? Better Still, Why?

Hello Readers, Trying to impress other people is possibly the biggest insult you can hurl at yourself because your efforts will be to no avail. Why is their opinion so important, and when do they take your advice seriously, or even value your interest in them? It’s time to open your eyes to reality before […]

Winners Make The Effort, Losers Make Excuses

Hello Reader Success in life is not for those who run the fastest but for those who keep on running and are always on the move. Wisdom is an abstract word not seen in words, but in actions and deeds. Winners and losers are clearly distinguishable because the winner is always part of the answer, […]

What Becomes Timeless Was Once New

Hello Readers Let’s not wait until the light fades into irreparable loss until we do something about making an impact or change. Stay in the loop and pursue the momentous flow of daily wonders and discoveries. Whatever comes, let it come, what stays let stay, what goes let go. People who don’t construe their life […]

We Are What We Love in 2024

HELLO READERS We make our first habits and then our habits make us. The problem with change is that it requires us to adjust and change with it. Most of us do not like our routine disturbed, even if the changes are positive because often there is stress and fear of the unknown to deal […]

Time Is Measured In Minutes, Life Is Measured In Moments

HELLO READERS Place your heart in a dark place where no one can see nor hear it beat on your personal voyage of destiny. You fall in love without realising the cost, but you still take the risks regardless of the consequences. This burning need for acceptance stems from within because betrayal often comes from […]

Somewhere Inside The River There Is An Unfinished Story

HELLO READERS Sometimes you have to make a decision that will break your heart but will help you to survive. Often, we are hesitant to heal because our pain is the last link to what we so tragically lost. Although you may be struggling, you are also in the midst of conquering your demons. Your […]

With Stillness Comes The Benediction Of Peace, Calm And Tranquillity

HELLO READERS At some point the pressures of life can breaks anyone, and afterwards many are stronger at the weakened broken places. Somewhere, deep down, where your innocence sleeps or is buried out of reach, dreams are parts of you which need to be understood and adhered to. There is more to you than the […]

Stop Venting To People Who Use Your Pain As Entertainment

HELLO READERS, Buried deep somewhere in a frozen heart is your self-worth, belief and integrity. Everything you have accomplished is a direct result of your belief in turning the once deemed impossible into a reality. Vivid flashbacks of your past remind you how far you have come. Whoever doesn’t get along with you, well, that’s […]

Read A Page From Your Soul One Night At A Time

HELLO READERS If you have a strong purpose in life, you don’t have to be pushed or cajoled because your passion and determination will drive you there. Never march to the beat of someone else’s drum. The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. When they walk alone, they […]

Rare Isn’t Supposed To Be Crowded

HELLO READERS Nothing belongs to us. Even the air we inhale must be exhaled. We are born with nothing and depart this life with nothing. There are parts of your world that moves so quickly that you can hardly keep up the momentum, and other parts where you have reached a full stop. Emotions can […]

Love All, Trust Few

HELLO READERS And when at last you find someone to whom you can pour out your heart and soul shares your deepest hopes and fears, you can easily be taken aback in shock at the words you dare to utter. Being so open and transparent can make you feel exposed and vulnerable because of what […]

Keep An Open Mind On The Sacred Road

HELLO READERS Refuse to limit yourself by standing still instead of discovering new areas of expertise and adventure. By taking a logical stance, you can find positive perceptions, despite some of the negative things which annoyingly hinder you along your journey. It is how our mind perceives our environment which determines our ability to understand […]

Every Situation Is Made Better By a Cool Head

HELLO READERS Nothing in all nature is more certain than the fact that no single thing or event can stand alone nor still because everything is evolving and changing. It is attached to all that has gone before it, and it will remain attached to all that will follow it. It was born of some […]

Happiness Isn’t Found In Things

HELLO READERS Wisdom consists of knowing how to distinguish the nature of trouble and in having the capacity in choosing the lesser of the two evils. What spiritually aware people seek in themselves, the exact same things are what the unconfident person will seek is in others. They need approval and validation because they don’t […]

Linda Lancashire’s 2024 New Year Horoscopes

Linda Lancashire’s 2024 New Year Horoscopes Aries March 21 – April 20th This is the year to finalise unfinished business and work hard at clearing up unresolved issues before you start anything new because you are going to have little time for anything else. Certain social arrangements may have to take a back seat for […]

Festive Greetings

HELLO READERS Christmas sentimentality is a time for plunging into the festive fun as the season wraps itself around you like a warm, cosy wrap, but it warms more than just your body, it warms your heart mind spirit and soul with a beautiful, sentimental haunting melody that will last for all eternity. Christmas is […]

My Heart Is In The Sky

HELLO READERS One of the most important things you can do in life is to let people know they are not completely alone.  Bless souls while they can still be reached because so many silently slip away into oblivion. Never underestimate the lingering effects of a dash of spontaneous love and comfort because you may […]

Even Tenderness Can Wound

HELLO READERS Every person has a story and a wound that they seeks to heal. It is time to stop attacking the past versions of you. You were a different person then, and much water has flowed under your bridge to mature you. You were doing your best at the time and all your experiences […]

Decide To Be Extraordinary and Do What You Need To Do

HELLO READERS We are all seeds of the universe barely breaking through the light, fighting for survival, and who dream of being the tallest and most beautiful of trees basking in the sunlight. It is during the times when you are far outside of your element that you will experience your spirituality the most. It […]

Blessed Are They That Mourn

HELLO READERS Fate or Fortune deals the cards of life, and she doesn’t always play fair. Many times, we are not even aware of how tightly we grip our certitude. We are survival oriented creatures which is why we value predictability so much and fight against change. Uncertainties and fear of the unknown can develop […]

Be The Silent Watcher Of Your Thoughts

HELLO READERS, Life’s most precious moments are not all loud or uproarious because silence and stillness has its own beauty and meaning. Not everyone can see nor hear it. Perhaps they are afraid of it because it means facing themselves and the reality they are choosing to live in. When you enter the world of […]

The Right Person Will Help You To Fall In Love With Yourself

HELLO READERS, The end of a relationship often brings about many tears and frustrations about the promises once made and now broken. There will always be bittersweet memories filled with ecstasy and regret as we miss the special connection we had with that person. The pain of a broken heart cuts deeply, but may you […]

Never Love Anyone Who Treats You Like You Don’t Exist

HELLO READERS, Time can change the magical to the mundane in an instant. Sometimes we worry that others will realise that we are so ordinary and without any fuss or sensationalism that they fail to understand or see our uniqueness and true worth. But love doesn’t need you to be extraordinary, just be yourself and […]

Advice From The Moon

HELLO READERS, Live life to the fullest and become someone to look up to, to be admired and respected. Don’t be phased by difficulties and take time to reflect because all the answers you are seeking are already there somewhere deep down within your soul. Enjoy a little space whilst honouring the cycles of nature. […]

Sometimes A Mistake Can Be The Best Decision You Ever Made

HELLO READERS Fate and Destiny are mysterious and powerful forces that can shape our lives in countless ways. It can lead us down unexpected paths and bring us to places we never could have imagined.  Every happening and event has a purpose, and every setback has its lessons to learn. Understand that failure of any […]

We Become Aware Of The Void As We Fill It

HELLO READERS The eternal void is filled with infinite possibilities, and the peace you have now is worth everything that you have lost. That inner, nagging void you may occasionally feel is both the source of nothingness and, at the very same time, the source of everythingness. It is in the limitless context in which […]

Nothing Can Dim The Light Which Shines Within You

HELLO READERS, There are wounds that never physically show that can be far deeper and more painful than anything that bleeds. We are made of all those who have built and broken us. We are a light and spirit that can never be extinguished. Vulnerability is terrifying and it takes great courage to reveal your […]

Life Is A Long Lesson In Humility

HELLO READERS, Life is full of surprises and unfortunate setbacks that can prevent us from getting what we want or achieving our goals in the time we were hoping. The most wonderful gift you can bestow on anyone is to find some way to make that person’s life a little bit better to live and […]

You Can Miss Something You Never Had

HELLO READERS When there is nothing left to do or say, that is the moment when you find yourself alone in your own company and space. Suddenly you have time to think and reflect in some valuable, much yearned for peace and quiet, but instead, a kind of silence descends with a suffocating oppressive force. […]

Invisibility Is A Superpower

HELLO READERS, Everyone has three lives. A public life, a private life and a secret life.  Private lives are more important to some people than public reputations because what goes on behind closed doors is sacred. The less people know about you, the less they can say about you and the more intriguing to them […]

Courage Doesn’t Always Roar

HELLO READERS, When you come to the edge of all that you know, you must believe one of two things.  There will either be ground beneath your feet to stand on, or you will grow magical wings to fly out towards safety before finding sanctuary. Many of life’s failures are people who did not realise […]

Walk Your Walk, And Let People Talk

HELLO READERS, Pain changes people because it makes them trust less whilst shutting out certain people. Everyone has their reasons. Experience teaches the lessons in life that must be lived fully to be understood. Truth is as straight as an arrow, whilst a lie swivels like a snake slithering in the long grass. Nothing of […]

We Are Bound By The Secrets We Share

HELLO READERS And when at last you find someone to whom you can pour out your soul, you stop in shock at the words you utter in disbelief at what you have revealed about yourself and perhaps others. Confessions or guilty secrets can feel like painfully peeling off your own skin to expose everything which […]

It Is Better To Be Party Great Than Entirely Useless

HELLO READERS, The desire to reach for the stars is ambitious, but the desire to reach hearts is even wiser. Just as soon as you attain to one ambition, you immediately see another opportunity glittering higher up still somewhere in infinity. The credit belongs to those who are actually in the arena, who strive valiantly […]

With Stillness Comes The Benediction Of Peace, Calm and Tranquility

HELLO READERS , At some point the pressures of life can breaks anyone, and afterwards many are stronger at the weakened broken places. Somewhere, deep down, where your innocence sleeps or is buried out of reach, dreams are parts of you which need to be understood and adhered to. There is more to you than […]

Even Tenderness Can Wound

HELLO READERS Every person has a story and a wound that they seeks to heal. It is time to stop attacking the past versions of you. You were a different person then, and much water has flowed under your bridge to mature you. You were doing your best at the time and all your experiences […]

Happiness Isn’t Found In Things

HELLO READERS, Wisdom consists of knowing how to distinguish the nature of trouble and in having the capacity in choosing the lesser of the two evils. What spiritually aware people seek in themselves, the exact same things are what the unconfident person will seek is in others. They need approval and validation because they don’t […]

Angry People Are Not Always Wise

HELLO READER, When people refuse to face the consequences of their choices and actions, there are also further consequences to follow. Good manners and politeness cost nothing and will never go out of fashion because they are a must in every society, no exceptions nor exemptions. Too much familiarity can breed contempt together with discontent […]

That Sanguine Expectation Of Happiness

HELLO READERS, Change is necessary for existence. Without change we cannot grow, develop, experience, build relationships, form friendships, overcome challenge, suffer, feel pride, love, anger, fear or motivation. We often suffer in anticipation of change. The very thought of it can lead to overthinking, doubting our ability to cope or deal with the challenges that […]

Distance Over Disrespect

Hello Readers Poisonous relationships will cloud your vision and dramatically drain your energy. People have wasted much time adjusting their personal boundaries whilst justifying another person’s disrespect when it would have been so much easier and a lot less painful to simply adjust their lives to the absence of their toxic friends. There are bound […]

Life Is Not Happening To You, But Responding To You

Hello Reader, Confidence is not about being liked by people, but feeling very okay if they don’t. Sometimes you don’t have to say a word but sit back and listen. The quieter you are, the more you can hear. The less you say, the more they speak. When you stop chasing them, they come towards […]

Nothing Is More Permanent Than The Temporary

Everything is temporary, nothing lasts. We are born and then we die. Life is all about loss, change and adjustment. Things happen, so we either learn to adapt or we don’t, but we move on in some way or another but not always at the same pace. Sometimes that can be hard because healing takes […]

You Can Do It. I Can Do It. Let Do It

HELLO READERS, You turn on the ignition and are solely in charge of directing o your new life to whichever destination you wish to go. Others may question your ideas, but it’s important to go with the flow of nature. Don’t let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free by confronting your fears and turn […]

Those Who Look Behind Will Never See Beyond

HELLO READERS The never-ending list of life digs out hidden qualities and subdued yearnings from the silence of our inner soul . If we give way to the desire of looking above and beyond the limit of the horizon, we can perceive a fabulous range of unsuspected privileges unfolding in front of our eyes. We […]

Find People Who Are Kind To You And Others

HELLO READERS, Understand that if they want it or you, they will show it. No one is going to let something good slip away unless they are sadly lacking in themselves, thus making poor judgements all their lives. If their absence brings you peace, it says more about you than them. Sit alone for a […]

The Time You Enjoy On Yourself Is Not Wasted

HELLO READERS Life is very short and anxious for those who forget the past, neglect the present, and fear for the future. Books have a unique way of stopping time in a particular moment, and whilst we savour their words we are constantly learning and self-educating because we knew that knowledge is power. People are […]

Acceptance Is Not The Same As Submission

HELLO READERS, Everything is within your power, and your power is within you. No one else can live your life nor walk your path instead of you and neither can you walk theirs. Submission is the willingness to give up our right to think for ourselves. We are all servants, but the question is who […]

There’s No One Alive More Than You Are

HELLO READERS There is never going to be someone else who can be you. People may create dreams with you, but not for you because they are too busy doing it for themselves, or haven’t you noticed? It’s you, and you alone who has to think, start and continue whilst you can because one day […]

Those Who Achieve The Extraordinary Are Usually The Most Ordinary

HELLO READERS, Always speak of and to yourself as if to your most loving and dearest friend. Create a unique lifestyle that promises to care and protect you for all your days. Building such a strong and solid foundation provides you with the strength and resources to set the boundaries required to keep undesirables at […]

Nothing Is More Deceitful Than The Pretence Of Appearing Truthful

Hello Readers, It is always interesting how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit. It is almost as though shoddy behaviour is acceptable. Unsavoury company corrupts good morals, and we are all judged by the company we keep, so choose wisely. The only thing more frustrating than gossips and slanderers are […]

Sometimes The Things We Cannot Change End Up Changing Us Forever

HELLO READERS Everyone will experience some kind of change in their lives. It is the one constant that never stops moving forwards, but not everyone is willing to go with it, preferring to remain clinging to the past because it’s all they know whilst fearing the future. However, one thing is for sure, nothing will […]

What Is Within Us Is Far More Powerful Than Anything External

HELLO READERS True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future or others to make our lives complete. The secret is to be satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for those of us who want for nothing. The greatest gifts and blessings are already within us and within our […]

Who Are These People You Want To Be Admired By?

HELLO READERS Seeking approval can compare us to sheep, all following a path to nowhere in particular. Constantly looking for admiration and validation is a sign of personal emptiness within and a void that never gets filled with the right qualities to be happy. Dealing with other people’s approval can send some people into a […]

The Power of Self-reliance and Sufficiency

HELLO READERS It all starts with self-sufficiency, self-love, self-care and self-respect. With this foundation in place, the rest of your positive characteristics can grow without limit. It’s a dangerous game to tie your sense of meaning and wellbeing to other people or something external because it nearly always ends up disappointing. When you fixate on […]

We Must Do Things Differently Going Forward

HELLO READERS, Always be kind because you never know what other people are experiencing and going through. Give grace and mercy because one day your circumstance could change, and you too may need it. It’s time to leave the past behind where it belongs and step into a new vibration. Get ready for a new […]

A Lack Of Order Creates Irreversible Chaos

HELLO READERS, When people don’t clean and weed their own minds, they are apt to be overrun by nettles and other unmentionable things that represent the equivalent of Japanese Knotweed. We see in order to move, and we move in order to see. Outward appearances can blind your judgement whereas words reveal what someone is […]