Linda Lancashire Psychic

News and forthcoming events: Hello Readers

A Lack Of Order Creates Irreversible Chaos

HELLO READERS, When people don’t clean and weed their own minds, they are apt to be overrun by nettles and other unmentionable things that represent the equivalent of Japanese Knotweed. We see in order to move, and we move in order to see. Outward appearances can blind your judgement whereas words reveal what someone is […]

A Lack Of Order Creates Irreversible Chaos

HELLO READERS, When people don’t clean and weed their own minds, they are apt to be overrun by nettles and other unmentionable things that represent the equivalent of Japanese Knotweed. We see in order to move, and we move in order to see. Outward appearances can blind your judgement whereas words reveal what someone is […]

Choose Your Friends Wisely

  HELLO READERS – CHOOSE YOUR FRIENDS WISELY Don’t blame the world for your bad luck as most of them were brought on by your choices and decisions. We should change what we can and endure what we cannot, and every day, every hour, moment and second begins with you making a choice. You alone […]

All Of Us Are Going To Face Betrayals At Some Time

Hello Reader, Some people are enough to drive a saint to madness or a king to his knees.  For there to be betrayal, there would have to initially been trust because only those you trust can betray you. Do not blame yourself if such an event happens to you, but definitely learn from the incident. […]

Time Isn’t The Main Thing, It’s Only Thing

People can be frugal or even territorial guarding their personal property, but as soon as it comes to squandering time, they are most wasteful of the one thing in which it is right to be economical to the point of being stingy.  Time spent cannot be retrieved, recycled nor reclaimed . Procrastination is one of […]

Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady

Hello Readers, One of the most self-destructive thought patterns anyone can inflict on themselves, or others is self-doubt and a heavy, negative outlook. Nothing restricts your personal growth and success more than procrastination and self-criticism. It’s like a silent voice in your head wittering on about what life must be like on the planet doom. […]

Turning Off The Phone and Blowing Out the Candles

HELLO READERS , There are shadows that go in front of you, leading you towards the future whilst others trail behind, leaving a part of you in the past. They are clearest when we are in the light and disappear when we lose ourselves in the darkness. Sometimes you just need to be alone when […]

Give Yourself Permission To Rest, Restore and Revive

Hello Readers We all know how crazy the world is these days and how stressful things are. Just getting through a day is a major feat of strength and working miracles. Anxieties and worries keep building up with little or no signs of respite. It’s usually one thing after another, yet we are told we […]

Are You Just Marking Time Whilst Life Rockets Past?

Hello Readers, When the future looks dark, don’t panic too much because it does not yet exist. By thinking deep and hard, you may come up with a brilliant solution, but some people spend a very long time talking without actually doing anything. Waffle is the breakfast of time wasters. Indecisive and dithering people are […]

What Is The Other Person Trying To Express?

HELLO READERS When you give yourself permission to be yourself, you will discover peace, despite any more rejection or disapproval. Putting a voice to your soul helps you to let go of the negative energy of fear and regret. Just because you find it difficult to express your feelings, it doesn’t mean they are not […]

You Show Your Worth By What You Seek

HELLO READERS , The more spiritually attuned you become, the more you will notice how other people’s energy affects you and the more sensitive you are to external forces. Keep your circles small, sacred and carefully selected. Be done with anything or anyone that doesn’t bring you peace and make today the day your life […]

NO Is All You Need to Say

HELLO READERS Saying ‘no’ is a skill,  and when and how to say ‘no’ and mean it is a work of art that few ever achieve.  You don’t even have to stay committed to something just because you are good at it. We all have choices and free will. Silence isn’t always an agreement. Sometimes […]

Linda Lancashire’s 2023 New Year Horoscopes

Linda Lancashire’s 2023 New Year Horoscopes Aries March 21 – April 20th Your great success comes from opening your mind and trying new things. Prepare yourself for a year of exciting surprises and a complete change of direction in both your personal or professional life.  It won’t always be easy to conceal your emotions, so […]

You Can Have It All, Just Not All At Once

HELLO READERS Whatever your circumstances may happen to be, always accept your responsibilities and leave others to attend to theirs. In most cases, the only element that is truly within your control is your own character and subsequent choices and responses. How other react is not your problem. You may try to influence other aspects, […]

Introspection Has No End

HELLO READERS, In order to understand anything, occasionally you must turn away from it. Sometimes you have to go away to return only to see situations and people with renewed clarity. Your visions will become clearer only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside can one dream, whereas those who look […]

You Can Do It

HELLO READERS, Life is about accepting the challenges along the way and choosing to keep moving forwards whilst savouring the journey. You constantly tested by all kinds of significant events and people, but you will never discover your true potential until you challenge yourself to go beyond imposed limitations. When things do not go your […]

It’s All Happened Before And It Will Happen Again

HELLO READERS, In times of great uncertainty, the ability to keep calm isn’t an unnecessary luxury, it’s an absolute necessity if you are to survive. Misery is deeply rooted in fear, an emotion that characterises periods of unrest and feelings of anxiety and insecurity. It’s the cradle of hate, violence hostility and oppression, but there […]

Less Clouded By Emotions And Indifferent To Trivial Issues

HELLO READERS, Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions, whereas reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached because the further you can stand back, the greater the clarity. Always remember that you were once alone, and that the very people you see in your life today are just as unnecessary now as […]

Goodbye To A Love That Shines For You No Longer

HELLO READERS Future love does not exist. Love is a present activity only. Anyone who does not understand love in the present does not experience it.  The emotional side of love is a difficult concept to understand, it has to be felt and lived through with all its paradoxes and complexities. Have you ever had […]

What Is The Other Person Trying Express?

HELLO READERS When you give yourself permission to be yourself, you will discover peace, despite any more rejection or disapproval. Putting a voice to your soul helps you to let go of the negative energy of fear and regret. Just because you find it difficult to express your feelings, it doesn’t mean they are not […]

Only The Truth Of Who You Are Will Set You Free

HELLO READERS We must dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be. What it means to be authentic is to be more concerned with truth than the opinions of others. It’s not being fearful of others seeing your vulnerabilities, nor wearing a false mask pretending to be what you […]

We Are All Slightly Damaged And Scared

HELLO READERS The best way to not get your heart broken is to pretend you don’t have one. To be rejected by someone doesn’t mean you should also reject yourself, or that you should think of yourself as a lesser person. It doesn’t mean that nobody will ever love you any more, but first you […]

Self Destruction

Hello Readers, Some people only get to know themselves after they have nearly destroyed themselves or survived a situation that could have so easily destroyed them. So many people become addicted to bad habits, toxic relationships, poor, almost non-existent self-care and at a point where they do not know which direction to go in next […]

Every New Day Is A Day Of Renewed Hope

HELLO READERS Over the years you have been assigned enormous life tests and challenges to show both yourself others how things can get done and that quitting isn’t an option. Let your life reflect the faith and self-belief you have to overcome any obstacles, challenges and adversities as an example to others and that quitting […]

Never Lower Your Standards

Hello Readers, Some people can be incredibly cruel and insensitive with no thought for anyone but themselves. Perhaps during the course of your life, you have encountered such types and have been deeply affected by their behaviour and treatment of you and others. Wounds heal, but the scars they leave behind are always a reminder. […]

Never Be Too Busy For Loved Ones

Hello Readers, It is very easy in the rush of things to overlook people close to us.  We complain that we are always too busy, rushed off our feet, no time to grab a moment, but these are all excuses, not reasons to keep in touch with someone we care about.  Then I hear the […]

Go After What You Want

Hello Readers, Ask yourself what you can do today that will help to make you grow and test your strengths and personal limits, and after that, take one small step forwards. Go ahead, be brave, you have nothing to lose but everything to gain. Have a courageous go at turning at least one impossible into […]

Fearlessly Be True To Yourself

Hello Readers, It’s always interesting to know how a powerful Full Moon is likely to affect you because we are all different and some people will be more affected than others for various reasons depending on your star sign, but certain threads of life connect us all to one another. As always, your sense of […]

Living Through Your Darkest Days

Hello Readers, One day you will look back and see that all along you were making steady progress. It may not seem like much to some people, but for you, just getting this far has been comparable to climbing the highest mountain on this earth. Be willing to share your stories and experiences with others […]

Always Make Time For Loved Ones

Hello Readers, Some people only get to know themselves after they have nearly destroyed themselves or survived a situation that could have so easily destroyed them. So many people become addicted to bad habits, toxic relationships, poor, almost non-existent self-care and at a point where they do not know which direction to go in next […]

A Quarrelsome Person Deserves No Honours

Hello Readers, Behind every argument is someone’s ignorance. Arguing isn’t communication, it’s noise. Why be foolish enough to assume that volume will succeed when logic won’t? No sensible person engages in an unprepared fencing match, but There are some people who like fighting so much that in the end, they will even turn on one […]

Never Stop Trying

Hello Readers, Each mistake and experience teaches you something new about yourself.  There is no failure in life, except the no longer trying.  It is the courage to continue that counts.  Anyone can fail at something they don’t really want. It’s the easiest thing in the world to simply throw the towel in and quit.  […]

Acts Of Kindness

Hello Readers, There are three in human life that are important.  The first one is to be kind, the second one is to be kind and the third one is to be kind.  Do a little bit of good wherever you are because all those little bits put together make the world a better place. […]

The Only Way is Forwards

Hello Readers, Our lives are always full of ups and downs, and I don’t know anyone who has not experienced peaks and troughs of fortunes as the wheel of life spins round.  But what I have learned is that you cannot make any positive progress forwards with one foot stuck firmly in the past.  There […]

A Sense Of Humour

Hello Readers, ‘Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you’ll cry alone’ Possessing a good sense of humour is the best indicator that you will recover from almost anything and sure way of attracting people towards you because they want to be your friend.     Sustain that and you will have hope of achieving […]

A Promise Made is a Debt Unpaid and Nothing is Forgotten

Hello Readers All sorts of people will walk in and walk out of your life, but the one whose footsteps makes a long-lasting impression is the one you should never allow to walk out, never to return. Everything we get, outside of the free gifts of nature, must in some way be paid for one […]

A Promise Made is a Debt Unpaid and Nothing is Forgotten

All sorts of people will walk in and walk out of your life, but the one whose footsteps makes a long lasting impression is the one you should never allow to walk out, never to return. Everything we get, outside of the free gifts of nature, must in some way be paid for one way […]

Faith Urges You To Endure Through Every Struggle And Trial

Hello Readers, No matter what, you just have to keep going. Often your most hardest and testing of times can lead to some of the greatest moments of your life. Never give up hope because tough situations build strong people in the end. We only learn and grow when we are severely challenged. Our survival […]

Your Soul Speaks To You

Hello Readers, Intuition is the ability to know or understand something without any proof, facts or reason. There are many different ways to explain intuition. Some people claim that it is direct access to unconscious knowledge whilst others believe that it’s your Angels who are guiding you in times of great difficulty. Never discredit your […]

Make The Most Of Every Opportunity

Life is a mountain. Your goal is to find your path, not necessarily to reach the top. The most important things in your life are your soul purpose and the people you love.  Life is  lived from the inside out so when you shift the energy from the inside outwardly, your life begins to shift […]

Say Everything With Kind Eyes

Hello Readers, Life is always happening now, this minute, with every second that passes by. The World never stops spinning around, evolving, dying, regenerating and nurturing. The passage of time continues like a long river, never pausing nor stopping for anyone nor anything. The future is a continuation of the past as history repeats itself […]

Don’t Judge The Past By The Standards Of Today

Hello Readers High standards are negated by low living and comparisons. In some cases the world is not ready for certain people when they show up, but that shouldn’t stop anyone from trying to achieve the best version of themselves as possible. We don’t gain anything by lowering the bar, only failure and disappointment. Let […]

We Are All Slightly Damaged and Scared

Hello Readers The best way to not get your heart broken is to pretend you don’t have one. To be rejected by someone doesn’t mean you should also reject yourself, or that you should think of yourself as a lesser person. It doesn’t mean that nobody will ever love you anymore, but first you must […]

Truth Uttered Before Its Time Is Always Dangerous

Hello Readers, Speak kindly in the morning when you are leaving home and give the day a lighter heart. Leave words of encouragement and support as mementoes to be cherished and caressed. Tell someone you love them. There will be no time for regrets. Expectations are dangerous when they both too high and promises broken. […]

Embrace Your Power

Hello Readers, Often our personal power is challenged. People try to play mind games, but if you are strong, to no avail.  Do we resign to failure or do we stand our ground and fight to the end? It’s always a choice. We can overcome fear as long as we believe in ourselves and our […]

The Pleasure Of Living

Hello Readers, There are joys and pleasures to be found where you would never look for them. They often come along most unexpectedly. They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world.  Someone to love, something to do and something to hope for because without hope there is nothing. […]

No One Really Knows Hoe To Move On

Hello Readers, Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone any more. It’s just realising that the only person you really have any control over is yourself. At some point you have to accept that some things are not meant to be, or work out in the way you planned. Some people are […]

Slow Down and Savour The Day

Hello Readers, In a world addicted to speed, targets and deadlines, never be afraid of going slowly, rather be petrified of standing still, or even worse, going backwards. If you are oblivious to your environment whilst over doing things, you are racing towards burn out and subsequent problems connected with ill health and agitation. It’s […]

The Bright Side is the Only Side You Can Look On

Hello Readers, It’s not always easy to find that bright side and often you can’t see it until weeks, months or even years later, but there is always a silver lining hidden away somewhere, you just have to look for it. In the absence of light, you will often discover some of the brightest parts […]

You Have To Believe, Otherwise It Will Never Happen

Hello Readers, If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything. Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm. Beliefs are choices. First you choose your beliefs, then your beliefs affect your choices. You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes […]

Poetry is the Pefrume Love Wears

Hello Readers, Beautiful souls are shaped by ugly experiences. Too few see the beauty ,obvious to all, who are too near. Not everyone is going to appreciate you. Love is also very blind. Be strong enough to embrace the pain, get back on your own, and always remember that there’s great beauty in forgiving and […]

When You Flap Your Wings Your Foes Lose Their Feathers

You can wait for others to decide your fate, or you can master your own destiny. Just know that others seldom have very much planned for your future happiness, so the independent approach to self-sufficiency and survival may just be your best bet. If you don’t monitor your life, you will regret it. If you […]

Every Day You Are Here Trying Your Best

Hello Readers Some days you are a goddess or a superhero, whilst others you are still a child. There are times when you are a fragile mess and others where your inner strength shines through radiating positivity for the world to feel your presence. Occasionally you have to ruthlessly cut off the dead branches just […]

Out of the Ashes Beautiful Things Grow

Hello Readers, Out of the ashes of failing health and heartbreak, discovery and rebirth is born. Ancient legend paints a picture of a magical bird, radiant, magnificent and shimmering which lives for hundreds of years before it dies by bursting into flames. It is then reborn from the ashes to start a new, long life […]

Try To Be A Rainbow In Someone’s Grey Cloud

Hello Readers, Commit yourself to being a trusted voice of light and truth. Reach back and help others, but stay committed to being the change you want to see in the world. We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. Go wisely and slowly. Those who rush tumble and […]

Memories Walk Beside Us For An Eternity

Hello Readers Love is hard to find, hard to keep, and impossible to forget. The people you love become ghosts in your mind and remembering them is how you keep them alive. Sharing tales of those we’ve lost is how we keep from really losing them, before their images gradually begins to fade. If you […]

Bite Off More Than You Can Chew and Then Chew It

Life is either an exciting adventure or nothing at all. To learn something new, you need to try new things and not be afraid to be brave, bold and daring. Our tendency in life is to avoid things that frighten us, but in order to develop and grow, we need to go deeper and deeper […]

Your Worth Has Nothing To Do With Others’ Opinions, So Shine Away

Hello Readers, The only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that you are taking at this very moment because now is all there ever is.  Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on. If your dream is to find a star, stop […]

You Are On The Path You Are Meant To Be On

There’s nowhere you can be that isn’t where you’re meant to be at any given moment in time. The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. Your choices, your consequences. Only you are responsible for your decisions. There are winds of destiny that blow when we least expect […]

That Which We Obtain Too Easily, We Esteem Too Lightly

Sometimes problems don’t require a solution to solve them, instead they require maturity to outgrow them. The degree of our intellectual and spiritual growth is inversely proportional to the number of people with whom we are still close friends and the quality of those relationships. Never try to fix or repair something that you have […]

You Are On The Path You Are Meant To Be On

There’s nowhere you can be that isn’t where you’re meant to be at any given moment in time. The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. Your choices, your consequences. Only you are responsible for your decisions. There are winds of destiny that blow when we least expect […]

Harness The Power To Change

Hello Readers, Change your vision to change your decisions. If you get lost somewhere along the way, change your thoughts to find an alternative way route. Remember, you just need to change your way of thinking to transform your life in a completely new and different style of living. You will only rise to the […]

A Meaningful Silence Is Always Better Than Meaningless Words

Hello Readers, Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom. You are at your most powerful when you are the most silent and impenetrable. People never expect silence, they expect words, motion, defence, offense, back and forth. They expect to leap into the fray impulsively and impetuously. They are ready, fists up, words hanging, leaping from […]

Focus On The Step In Front Of You, Not The Whole Staircase

Hello Readers, On your darkest days do not try to see the end of the tunnel by looking too far ahead. Instead, focus only on where you are, right now, at this moment in time, then carefully take one step at a time by placing just one foot in front of the other, and before […]

Tigers Don’t Lose Sleep Over the Opinions of Others

To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable, and to make yourself vulnerable is to demonstrate your strength. When you find yourself constantly being disappointed by others, then it’s time to ask more from yourself. Knowledge planted in truth expands the mind and your spiritual growth. Strength born of peace loses nothing to disregard […]

Linda Lancashire’s 2022 New Year Horoscopes

Linda Lancashire’s 2022 New Year Horoscopes Aries March 21 – April 20th Loyal, principled and of high values, 2022 sees you plan out everything in microscopic detail attaining to work, career and business, and at times, even down to arranging your personal life.  The new year starts out well by you displaying added confidence, passion, […]

Its All About Christmas 2021

Hello Readers, It’s that time of the year again and once again December has arrived with all the joys of Christmas. The mad shoppers fighting and scrapping over bargains on Black Friday and Manic Monday. Plastic credit cards splintering at the edges as the tills ring loudly in all the shops and over the internet […]

Your Faith Will Elevate You To The Next Level

Our soul’s spiritual force propels us from the physical world into the beyond of eternal life. The path of spiritual awakening involves uncovering the values and ideas that are authentic to you regardless of what others may think. Unlike most things attached to the material world, the spiritual or intellectual awakening of a person is […]

Your Soul Is Your Intuition

Hello Readers, Intuition is like reading a word without having to spell it. When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of something you should sense. It’s a feeling that you have when something isn’t quite as it should be, and ignore the warning signs at your […]

Happy Christmas 2021

Hello Readers, Christmas Time should be a time of cheer, joy and hope for the coming New Year but realistically, this isn’t always the case. Most people can usually set aside any difficult thoughts, but this Christmas there are so many people that need extra help and understanding because of the severity of their circumstances. […]

Embrace Your Life And Have No Regrets

Hello Readers, The struggles we endure today will be the ‘good old days’ we laugh about tomorrow. Be wise today so that you don’t weep with regrets tomorrow. Life has no limitations except the ones you impose upon yourself. Each new day provides yet another opportunity to work on improving yourself, your personal circumstances and […]

Hanging Onto life By Your Fingertips

Hello Readers, The marks most people leave are too often scars. We die a little every day, and by degrees we’re reborn into different people, older and wiser, more experienced whilst hiding invisible scars and heartbreak underneath the smiles. Scars have the strangest power to remind us that the pain we felt was once real. […]

Find Yourself, Think For Yourself

Hello Readers, One of the greatest achievements in the world is to know how to belong to oneself. If you truly want to be respected by the people you love, you must prove to them that you can survive without them. Always try to stand on your own two feet. Don’t let the noise of […]

Death Is Peaceful, Life Is Harder

Hello Readers, Life is pleasant, death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome, that bit in between, but in the end, death is inevitable. No one really knows why they are alive or for what reason until they know what or who they would willingly die for. Some people find their true purpose whilst many […]

Every New Sunrise Begins With New Eyes

All great beginnings start in the dark, when the moon greets you to a new day at midnight. Every sunset is an opportunity to press the reset button . Forget everything you’ve done and start over again. Morning will come, it has no choice. There is always a new beginning. Doors are unlimited, always open, […]

Greatness Is You

Hello Readers, You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose and to do it courageously. Sometimes it takes great suffering to pierce the soul and open it up to greatness because anything worth having doesn’t come easily and there are always sacrifices that must be made. Never […]

If It Doesn’t Challenge You, It Won’t Change You

Hello Readers, The moment you stop accepting challenges is the moment you stop learning and going forwards. Each day we all have had our ups and our downs, but that doesn’t mean we should suffer in silence or ignorance for the rest of our lives. You must always be vigilant and make sure you’re prepared […]

Seize The Day

Hello Readers, Today is a new day. Every day heralds a new beginning. The sun always rises to a day you have never seen before and will never see again. It’s another chance to resolve issues you struggled with yesterday and learn new ways of dealing with the challenges life presents you with on the […]

When You Can Live Forever, What Do You Live For?

Hello Readers, Beauty is an image of eternity gazing at itself in a mirror, but you are eternity, and you are the mirror. The choices you make now, the people you surround yourself with all have the potential to affect your life one way or another. We are all travellers on a cosmic journey, stardust, […]

You Need Yourself To Become Your Own Person

Hello Readers, There is a difference between happiness and inner peace. Happiness depends on external conditions being perceived as positive, inner peace does not. Never be ashamed of what you have been through, rather, be proud of what you have overcome and achieved. Explore yourself first before searching for other company because certain people can […]

Self Doubt Kills More Dreams Than Failure Ever Does

Hello Readers, Don’t give up when dark times come. The more storms you face in life, the stronger you’ll be. The more challenges and adversities you overcome, the happier you will be. Develop strength, not to be greater than others, but to defeat your greatest enemy which are the doubts you harbour deep down within […]

Nothing Is Everything

Hello Readers, Your life is as good as your mindset and it’s never too late to make changes. All things that truly matter are not found externally, they arise from within your soul. Take a few moments to listen to what your instincts are telling you. In the end we only regret what we didn’t […]

Beauty Attracts The Eye But Personality Attracts The Heart

Hello Readers, You never know how much time you have left. Sunsets remind us that beauty only lasts for a few moments and sunrises to tell us that a new day allows us to experience all over again. Distance will tell you the real meaning of closeness. It will either bring you back together or […]

Realise You Are Completely Unique Even In A Crowd

Hello Readers, Confidence is knowing who you are and not changing yourself to accommodate someone’s demands and expectations to change. You are not here to please anyone. You are here to fulfil your life path and destiny. Trying to make yourself liked and loveable never works and always ends in tears because no one can […]

Nothing Is Everything

Hello Readers, Your life is as good as your mindset and it’s never too late to make changes. All things that truly matter are not found externally, they arise from within your soul. Take a few moments to listen to what your instincts are telling you. In the end we only regret what we didn’t […]

Every New Sun Rise Begins With New Eyes

Hello Readers, All great beginnings start in the dark, when the moon greets you to a new day at midnight. Every sunset is an opportunity to press the reset button . Forget everything you’ve done and start over again. Morning will come, it has no choice. There is always a new beginning. Doors are unlimited, […]

Death Is Peaceful, Life Is Harder

Hello Readers, Life is pleasant, death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome, that bit in between, but in the end, death is inevitable. No one really knows why they are alive or for what reason until they know what or who they would willingly die for. Some people find their true purpose whilst many […]

Truth Has Power Only The Courageous Can Handle

Hello Readers, Truth has a power only those with a conscience can handle. Truth is the most lied about word. One sincere truth from a stranger is more likely to move your life forward than anything your friends and family may tell you to spare your feelings. More important than finding the truth is finding […]

A New Path Towards Destiny

Hello Readers, Sometimes souls are meant to meet and fleet for they have different contracts to complete. There’s only one place you should want to go and it’s to all the places you have never been. You’re growing spiritually and stronger on a daily basis and that sometimes scares people. It tends frightens them because […]

It Doesn’t Have to Be Like This

Happiness starts with you. Sometimes, in order to get your life back, you have to face the death of what you thought your life should or ought to look like. The more fanciful and delusional you are, the longer you delay facing reality and the harder and more complicated your journey will be. There are […]

Show Me Your Friends And I Will Show You Your Future

Hello Readers, Over a period of time we become the collective personality of those to whom we grow the closest to. Their spirituality, mental and emotional levels and interests become part of ours, and we in turn help to shape their world. We influence each other by our outlook, philosophies, behaviour, lifestyle and opinions. Always […]

Keep Going Because What Nearly Breaks Us, Makes Us

Hello Readers, Always follow your heart, listen to your inner voice and stop caring about what others think and never even consider giving up because that is all too easy. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but all that matters is what you think and feel, no one else is living your life. Sometimes you […]


The empty chair in your heart should remain empty forever rather than allowing someone unworthy of your friendship to sit there. Most of the time you have no choice about what gets poured into your cup, but you have a choice as to what you accept and believe. No one will ask you about your […]

Moving Forwards

Hello Readers, We are all energy workers and you will attract and manifest anything and anyone that is corresponding to your inner state. Many people’s lives are consumed by an obsessive preoccupation with things and other’s lives. One of the biggest dysfunctional behaviour of a person is having a need to always be on the […]

Do You Know Who You Are?

Hello Readers, Always look ahead, never down otherwise that’s where you will end up going. You know what you are, but not what you may become if you believed in yourself more and stopped listening to the negativity of the losers who regularly whisper rubbish in your ear. The greatest setback can lead to your […]

One Love, One Heart, One Destiny

Hello Readers, Does the walker choose the path, or does the path choose the walker? There are winds of destiny that blow when we least expect them and change everything from what we thought we knew into the darkness of the desolate and unknown. Sometimes they gust with the fury of a hurricane changing our […]

The Clock Has No Power Over Time

Hello Readers, Life is a continuous flow of changes, all of them transient, some beautiful and others ephemeral. Never be afraid of going slowly, only of standing still because then you will surely decay into oblivion. Shift yourself away from the slippery ground of bad attitudes and start moving intentionally towards the sunlight. People and […]

Putting Yourself First Is A Quiet thing

Truth is in the mirror and the mirror never lies. The reality of who we are and how we feel about ourselves is reflected in the energy and vibrations which bounce back at us as a message of how we make others feel by our treatment of them. What we project outwardly comes straight back […]

In The End You Keep Going Back To The Beginning

Hello Readers, A bad beginning does not prevent you from discovering a good ending. You have no control over how your story begins or ends, but by now, you should know that all things have an ending because all things must die to be reborn. The wheel of life keeps turning and will never stop […]

Beauty Is Bought By The Judgment Of The Eye

Hello Readers, Although beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, the feeling of beautiful exists solely in the mind of the beheld. Beauty is how you feel inside and it reflects and shines through in your eyes and demeanour. It is not something physical, but very emotional and spiritual. Like all magnificent things, […]

The Limit Of Your Language Means The Limit Of Your World

Hello Readers, We live and breathe words and one lie has the power to tarnish a thousand truths. Some people will say things that are you deliberately meant to rip you in half, but you hold the power to not turn their words into a knife and cut yourself. There exists, for everyone, a sentence […]

Hello Readers – From Nothing Comes Everything

For complete stillness, peace of mind and inner contentment, you need nothing, you seek nothing and you desire nothing. If you write a line of zeroes, it’s still nothing. From the moment we are born, we begin to die. We are born with nothing and take nothing away with us at the end of our […]

You Can Have Anything You Want, Just Not Everything You Want

Hello Readers, Why do we fall in love with people we can’t have? Knowing how bad something can be for us, offering no hope, only broken promises, shattered dreams and misery, and yet a form of insanity takes over and we still yearn for that which is not ours to have. We hunger in earnest […]

Never Rush What Is Important

Hello Readers, No one can magically get one’s act together because it’s all a matter of perfect timing. There are many shortcuts to short term fixes, but there are no shortcuts to achieving true success. Yesterday’s errors of judgement become today’s nightmares, often because so many times people cannot be bothered to check the small […]