Hello Readers, Accept the fact that you are different and that you are a deep feeler and thinker, not everyone is. Realise that you are tuned into a different frequency and that you sense things that others don’t, and perhaps never will. Walk away from dull, meaningless conversations that bore you rigid because you have […]
News and forthcoming events: Hello Readers
The Future Belongs To Those Who Believe In Their Dreams
Hello Readers, You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. No matter who you are or where you’re from, your dreams are valid and can become of great importance by listening to their significant messages when helping both yourself and others. Dreams in themselves are not reality, but […]
Now Its The Dark’s Turn To Be Afraid
Hello Readers, Always try to do something you’re afraid to do. Be brave, have a go, just once, what do you have to lose? Don’t be afraid of being scared. To be cautious is a sign of common sense and self-preservation. Your own instincts will warn you if there is something you are best avoiding. […]
Faith Is The Bird That Can See The Light And Sings Even When The Sun Goes Down
Hello Readers, Positive thoughts, words, and actions create positive feelings which generate positive energy. The world needs huge boosts of positive energy to fight against so many negative forces. Create some time to meditate by journeying deep down into the centre of your soul and discover who you are and your true life purpose. Beware […]
Hello Readers, You become what you think and what you think makes you who you are, for better or worse. Go where your best thoughts and prayers take you. Beauty is not who you are on the outside, it is the wisdom and time you gave away to save another struggling soul like you that […]
If You Don’t Fit In, You Are Probably Doing Something Right
Hello Readers, The world accommodates you for fitting in, but only rewards you for standing out in a crowd because you are not afraid to be the unique, beautiful you. You are brave and intelligent enough to stand up for your beliefs and be true to yourself. No one really belongs anywhere. We are all […]
How Can You Rise If You Have Yet Not Burned
Hello Readers, Have the courage to rise from the challenges of life like a phoenix from the flames or you’ll get lost in the ashes of despair, pain, and regret. The quality of your life is built on the quality of your decisions. You are the energy you attract towards yourself so always be careful […]
The Bravest Are The Most Tender And The Loving Are The Daring
Hello Readers, All serious daring and intentions start from somewhere deep within the soul. The anticipation of excitement of dreams coming true is beyond the description of words. Fortune sides with those who dare step outside and smell the flowers. Never was anything great achieved without danger. Risk anything, care no more for the opinion […]
Regaining Control
Hello Readers, You only have control over three things in your life, the thoughts you think, the images you visualise and the actions you take. If you don’t take control of your own life, someone else will and will think nothing about keeping you captive and dependent on them. Control of your life starts with […]
What Sets You Apart Is Your Unique Individuality
Hello Readers, If you have ever experienced that feeling of loneliness, isolation, differentness and always made to feel more like an outsider, these same feelings have probably followed you and been part of your life from the very beginning. It doesn’t matter how happy, rich, poor or successful you are, those feelings always remain within […]
What’s Meant To Be Will Always Find A Way, But Always Proceed With Caution
Hello Readers, We create our own fate and every day you live, you seal your fate with some of the choices you make. Fate leads the willing and drags along the reluctant, but there are always internal battles between heart and head in knowing which path to take next. There is nowhere you can be […]
Linda Lancashire’s 2021 New Year Horoscopes
Linda Lancashire’s 2021 New Year Horoscopes Hello Readers, The outlook for 2021 looks promising for each of the 12 Zodiac signs. The global economy will gradually recover with encouraging indications of many new businesses springing up almost everywhere. More and more people are paying special attention to their health and well being and there are […]
Christmas Is The Time For You To Be The Light For Those Who Stand In The Dark
Hello Readers, The best gift you can give this Christmas Season is your beautiful heart. You are never so lost that your Angels cannot find you. The spirit of Christmas is a sweet, internal peace that represents the power of love, kindness and charity. The Christmas spirit is simply an honest spirit of love for […]
To Find Yourself, You Must Think For Yourself
Hello Readers, Independence is about loyalty to oneself whilst at the same time endeavouring to remain true to your conscience, always. The most courageous act is to think for yourself, refusing to be influenced or be led astray by the wrong types, the ones who could so easily damage your reputation. Being independent and self […]
Fools Gold Is Only Valuable To Those Who Are Impatient
Hello Readers, Too many people live in the past instead of making things better for their future. They fill their heads and pockets with useless, worthless trinkets and stories leaving their hearts and souls empty and emaciated because they have lost sight of what is important. They tend to have selective memories. All that glitters […]
Sometimes Not Speaking Says More
Hello Readers, First lines of any new chapter don’t define last pages in real life the way they do in books. Often, when we are alone , we think of so many things we want to say, but moments after when we once again withdraw, the whole emotional experience of just thinking about everything is […]
Reach Out And Touch By Showing Your Kindness
Hello Readers, To survive in a world that is constantly changing and trying to get through another day just by putting one foot in front of the other is an enormous achievement in in itself because life is not promised to us. People of accomplishment rarely sit back and waste time wishing things were different. […]
Beautiful Words That Say So Much
Hello Readers, We live, breathe and think words every moment of our life. Sometimes you can read a book, a letter, or a greeting card and its message fills you with all kinds of mixed feelings and emotions. We can so easily spend a lifetime folded between the pages of books and love letters to […]
The Secret Of Joy Is The Mastery Of Pain
Hello Readers, A person needs just three things to be happy in life and those are something to do, someone to love and something to hope for. Without pain, how could we know about joy? The most wasted of all days is one without laughter or meaning. A life without purpose is just a mere […]
Hope Tinged With Doubt
Hello Readers, Never let someone who draws a line and says you can’t cross it intimidate you. Don’t be discouraged when you are told you can’t do something. Perhaps you are the only one who can? Never be guilt tripped into anything. You are part of the course of great changes because we all have […]
Unseen Love
Hello Readers, Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone’s hand is just the beginning of an interesting new journey that can enable you to discover new ways of connecting and understanding both yourself and others. The most basic and powerful way to co exist with another person is to just listen, watch and learn. As we […]
Keep Every Promise You Make And Only Make Promises You Can Keep
Hello Readers, In a world where certain vows are worthless and where making a pledge seldom means anything and where promises are made to be broken, it would be refreshing to meet the sort that people who stood by their word, said what they meant and meant what they said. So many don’t. Some people […]
What Will Be Will Be
Hello Readers, Realise that if a door is closed, it’s for a reason. It’s because what’s behind it is not meant for you. The doors of fate and destiny cannot be forced open. The only doors that will open easily are the ones that invite you to walk through them to learn what secrets lie […]
Self Love
When you are different, it’s not always easy to see the millions of people who love, admire and accept you for the beautiful soul that you are. Do your own thing and don’t care if they like it or dislike it. Life is to short to waste time pondering on the thoughts of others. The […]
You Will Never Have This Day Again, So Make It Count
Hello Readers, A real test and value of our lives is how we use our time during our journey from the womb to the tomb. When you wake up each morning, you will join billions of others around the world, but when the sun sets this evening, not all will be privileged enough to retire […]
Choices Are Abundant, Its Making The Right Decision That Is Difficult
Hello Readers, There must once have been a time in your life when you were standing at the edge at one of the most steepest of life’s precipices you could ever imagine, wondering what to do next? A most scary situation for even the most strongest constitution, but ultimately, we are all responsible for our […]
Don’t Let The Noise Of Others Drown Your Inner Peace
Hello Readers, Of all the varieties of today’s pollution, noise and constant din is probably the most uncomfortable and toxic to live with. Much of the time we are exposed to noise, distractions and disturbance to our peace. Despite all this, there are also lots of people who actively seek out the hustle, bustle and […]
Nothing Can Dim The Light Which Shines Within
Hello Readers, Strength of character does not come from a physical capacity, it comes from having an indomitable will. What we achieve inwardly will eventually change our outward reality and how we see and deal with things. You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realise this and you will discover who you actually […]
Our Thoughts Make The World
Hello Readers, The closer you become to knowing that you alone create the world of your experience, the more important it is for you to get to know yourself, love and like yourself because in the end, you are all that you have got. Be very careful what you think about because your thoughts run […]
Its Not Who Holds You Back, Its What You Think You Are Not
Hello Readers, Do you sometimes think that your life deserves bigger, better and more in abundance? Then why are you still holding yourself back from enjoying success and happiness? It’s not that you are incapable of feeling complete and emotionally fulfilled, it’s more a case of you holding another person at arm’s length, just far […]
The Beginning Of Everything Is Always Today
Hello Readers, We are always turning new leaves, new pages, starting new chapters and then spoiling them. Accomplishments don’t erase the past or the shame that often goes with them. We work hard at trying to cover up our mistakes, errors of judgment and poor behaviour. We tussle with sleepless nights fighting our conscience. Once […]
Lifestyle Changes
Hello Readers, Every single day we are blessed with a chance of a new start and a clean slate to do things differently to before. Altering your behaviour and making a lifestyle change can set you free and save your life. Some people are constantly spinning around giddily on a permanent merry go around, never […]
You Have More Important Things To Do
Hello Readers, People’s spending a lifetime worrying about the craziest and most ridiculous of things. They go to their graves worrying about stuff that never actually happens. What does it matter about who likes you or who doesn’t? All that matters is that you like yourself. Worrying about the opinions of others will shorten your […]
There Is Nothing To Regret But Wasted Years
Hello Readers, Life is lived in time, so therefore those who waste time waste life. Growing in character a bit at a time is a good way of ensuring that we are not wasting the gifts we were born with. Truth teaches us about where we stand in this world and in the eyes of […]
The Most Successful People Are The Ones That Say The Least About Themselves
Hello Readers, True humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s about thinking less about unimportant stuff and being considerate about others and the world around you. There is nothing noble in trying to be more superior over others. On the highest throne in the world we still only sit on our backside and at […]
Hello Readers, Disconnecting from certain people can save your life. Disconnecting from people who drain your life blood energies and sap the strength out of you is key for your mental and spiritual growth and recovery. Occasionally it’s necessary for us to disconnect in order to reconnect at a later date. We all need a […]
When You Discover Who You Are, You Will Be Free
Hello Readers, The most important kind of freedom is to be yourself and what you really are. Some birds are not meant to be caged, so let them go and let them spread their wings and fly. Their freedom is not yours to take. Never let any net ensnare you because you are a free […]
You Are Where You Need To Be, Just Take A Deep Breath
Hello Readers, If you want to conquer the anxieties of life, start by living in the moment and don’t be afraid to breathe, after all, it is the secret of life and without it we are no more. Breathing is the hardest lesson to learn in life, but slowly and steadily you can improve one […]
Be Open To New Ideas
Hello Readers, In order to grow and avoid stagnation we must be open to new ideas, new ways of doing things and new ways of thinking. The measure of intelligence is the ability to change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. Your mind is like a parachute, if it isn’t open […]
The Slower You Go The Further You Will Get
Hello Readers, Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws. Success is a slow process and quitting doesn’t speed it up. It’s a mistake to think that moving faster is the same as actually going somewhere. Sometimes the faster you go, the […]
Nurture Your Soul, Start The Healing
Hello Readers, Be the one who nurtured and builds. Understand others and leave people in a better state than when you found them. You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Inner peace and contentment are vital to your wellbeing and happiness, so […]
There Is More To Life Than Other People’s Approval
Hello Readers, The greatest prison people live in is the fear of what others Why concern yourself with the capricious opinions of others who mostly don’t have much clue about anything important and are trapped in their own limitations? Why do you need worldly things to define you or to make you look more important […]
Everything Is Only As It Is
Hello Readers, Do not let yourself be blinded by fear or anger. Sometimes during in life you will travel through hell. Along the way you will meet people who think they are in heaven because of their cleverness and ability to get away with things. Avoid them at all cost and walk right past them […]
Your Private Thoughts Are Your Own
Hello Readers, Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand. Who you are in public is a test of your conviction and who you are in private is a test of your integrity. Even friends need private spaces, if only within the depths of their own […]
Keep Faith In Your Heart
Hello Readers, You have been assigned enormous life tests to show others how things can get done and that quitting isn’t an option. Let your life reflect the faith and self belief you have to overcome any obstacles and tests of strength that may come your way. Don’t give up when the dark times come […]
Peace Of Mind
Hello Readers, Love and peace of mind in our lives do protect us and you will never find inner calm until you listen to your heart. Never let the behaviour of others destroy your happiness as nothing can nor will unless you allow it to. Grudges are for those who insist they are owed something […]
Good Manners Don’t Cost Anything
Hello Readers, Always be the last to raise your voice, and preferably, never. For a lot of people this is a hard one because the minute something goes wrong or things don’t go their way, they lose the plot and start blaming others. Some people have inherited the ‘shouting gene’, and have spent their entire […]
Hello Readers, Secretiveness is a most intriguing matter. No matter how well one may guard a secret, sooner or later it’s bound to come out. People are secretive when they have secrets. There is something powerful in the quiet whispers behind closed doors and delightfully thrilling about being naughty and secretive. Always be discreet about […]
Barkers Boarding; 5 Star Day Boarding And Holiday Care For Your Doggies
Hello Readers, In case you were unaware, I recently had a terrible injury, whereas I seriously broke my wrist, which resulted in major surgery. As a result it was a struggle to manage to look after my darling Lulas, Talullah and Hilda. My rehabilitation is taking time because there is no quick fix and no […]
It Takes Strength And Courage To Admit The Truth And Time And Patience To Discover It
Hello Readers, The truth is always something that is told, but not always known nor even believed. Fact is often stranger than fiction. Some say seeing is believing whilst others prefer to live in denial. Never be afraid to raise your voice in the name of honesty, truth and compassion against the injustices of greed […]
Everyone Has Their Own Path To Walk
Hello Readers, These are strange and peculiar times. We didn’t invite them, they were forced upon us. It’s not a good thing to criticise nor sit in judgment of anyone. You never know what’s around the corner. It could be everything or it could be nothing. Does the walker choose the path or does the […]
Hidden Feelings
Hello Readers, Unexpressed emotions will never die. They lie deep down within your soul, buried alive and will surface at some time later when something triggers them off, and then an outpouring commences, something that should have perhaps happened a long time ago. What truly aches and can really affect you is having so much […]
Hello Readers, You may feel like escaping your old life, but looking back, perhaps your life was never that ordinary. People tend to conveniently have selective memories and paint a very different picture to the real truth of a situation. You may have failed to notice just how extraordinary your life really was, likewise there […]
Two Lives, Very Much The Actor
Hello Readers, Speech gives us a unique power to lead a double life by saying one thing and meaning another. Every choice we make affects some aspect of our lives. Most of us live as though we have two lives to live. The face we show to the world and the one which resides closed […]
Make Your Own Decisions And Leave Others To Their Own Devices
Hello Readers, You can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what may or may not happen because that is nothing more than speculation and the odd assumptions . Every day of our lives we are faced with making decisions concerning one thing or another and this task can be daunting to say […]
If You Want To Conquer The Anxiety Of Life, Live In The Moment And Live In The Breath
Hello Readers, To achieve great things, two things are needed, a plan and patience. In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen, empathise and assure that we understand and are there to help in whatever way possible. Common sense and self respect recommends that you don’t work […]
Be the light that helps others find their path
Hello Readers, The presence of darkness is an opportunity to spread light. Darkness cannot drive out darkness, despair and misery, only love and light can do that. There will always be areas of darkness in our lives somewhere in the world, but just be sure that you are one of the energy workers that illuminates […]
If You Cannot Change Your Condition, Change Your Perception
Hello Readers, During these extraordinary troubled times, a moment of peace for you all. Remember, the world has not changed one bit, it’s only our perception of the world and how we choose to see and interpret things that has changed. Your strength will be found when you stop struggling with yourself. Every challenge, discomfort […]
Words Have Power
Hello Readers, Always be mindful when it comes to words. Raise your words onto a much higher level, but never your voice. Words are free but the human tongue is a beast that few can master. The secret of being known as boring is to never stop talking. Words are powerful. Sometimes you read a […]
Guardian Angels
Hello Readers, Do you believe in Angels? Some people do and some are not convinced, that is until something happens that throws them into despair and they start praying for help. Sometimes, without any warning, someone, perhaps a stranger, is sent to rescue us so that one day we can rescue them or someone else […]
Experience Is The Teacher Of All Things
Hello Readers, Dearly beloved, we are gathered here together to get through this thing called ’life’. Everything comes to you at the right time. If it’s meant for you it won’t go past you. There are no accidents nor coincidences, things happen, and we meet people at precisely the destined time. We all have choices […]
Grounded in the Earth
Hello Readers, Mother Nature has spoken. Now we’ve all been sent to out rooms to sit quietly in solitude to think about what we are doing and where we are going after once this dark cloud hanging over us has lifted and lockdown has ended. It’s important that we see this experience as a great […]
A Quarrelsome Person Deserves No Honours
Hello Readers, Behind every argument is someone’s ignorance. Arguing isn’t communication, it’s noise. Why be foolish enough to assume that volume will succeed when logic won’t? No sensible person engages in an unprepared fencing match, but There are some people who like fighting so much that in the end, they will even turn on one […]
Use Your Passion To Make An Impact
Hello Readers, No one knows the true impact they have on the lives of others. Something is only important if it has a lasting influence on another person’s life. There are no accidents or coincidences in the Universe. Each new meeting occurs at the precise moment for which it was meant and when this happens […]
Always Maintain A Joyful Mind
Hello Readers, It is how we face all the things that seem to be negative in our lives that determines the kind of person we become. The most important spiritual growth happens whilst we are in the midst of experiencing tough challenges, difficulties and adversities that are randomly strewn across our pathway during our soul […]
Don’t Let The World Silence Your Heart
Hello Readers, Some of the highest mountain and most testing and punishing times we can ever experience often appear just before our moment of glory or succeeding in overcoming some of the greatest challenges and obstacles we have ever encountered. Never let a series of problems and disappointments stop you from going forward with your […]
Never Give Up In The Face Of Fear
Hello Readers, Life is rarely straight forward, especially in this day and age when so much is expected of us and there are so many things we are being forced to cope with, adjust to and deal with, all in the name of survival. The secret is for us to all work together as a […]
Adapting To Change
Hello Readers, Everything that happens to us causes a chain reaction of changes, many of which we have no control over. I don’t believe anyone who says they are having an easy time during these very dark and difficult days because you would have to be totally oblivious to the plight of others to think […]
Everything Is Energy
Hello Readers, We are all made up of varying degrees of energy, but because our life paths and soul journeys are completely different to one another, we all operate on different frequencies. Some are compatible with one another whilst others are the complete opposite and should never be put together which is why so many […]
Be A Reflection Of What You Would Like To Receive
Hello Readers, Life can only be understood when you look backwards in retrospect, but time only moves forwards and we nearly always see our worst and most vulnerable selves, rarely the best of anything. It’s only other people who are able to see us from their outside perspective in just the same way as we […]
Distance Tests A Horse’s Strength, Time Reveals A Person’s Character
Hello Readers, Time doesn’t change people’s personalities, but reveals who they really are. So often new people appear and give the impression that they are everything you need and who you have been looking for all your life and often they can be too good to be true. Obliging, helpful, attentive and persuasive and utterly […]
Love Is Our True Destiny
Hello Readers, Love is not something we give or get. It is something very precious and beautiful that we nurture and grow. It’s a spiritual connection that can only be cultivated between two people when it exists within each one of them. We can only love others as much as we love ourselves. We are […]
Its Never Too Late To Own Who You Are
Hello Readers, No matter who you are or what your circumstances may be, it’s never too late nor too early to make changes and become the person you want to be. There is no time limit to any of this because you can stop or start as many times as you want to. You can […]
It Is Your Letting Go That Will Give You A Better Hold
Hello Readers, Possessions themselves are not the problem, it’s your relationship with possessing them that is now highly questionable. As long as we lean on anything outside of ourselves for support, we will always be insecure, wanting and needy. Because of recent global events our lives have been turned upside down and we are forced […]
An Ever-Changing World
Hello Readers, Its never too late to think and reflect deeply about our experiences, achievements and ambitions for the future, especially if we are looking for change. Nothing in this life is guaranteed, not even staying alive. Everything and everyone we see around us will one day be gone. Nothing stands still and nothing lasts […]
Value What And Who You Are
Hello Readers, We are all beautiful and unique. No two beings are identical. One of the biggest mistakes people make is comparing themselves to others because little do they realise that a lot of the time those same people are probably comparing themselves to them. You may not be better nor worse than anyone else, […]
Age Of Technology
Hello Readers, Change is inevitable and inescapable if we are to keep up with the times, modernise, progress and be prepared to further our knowledge and advances our skills, which all works to our advantage and keeps us in the loop. There are lots of people who call themselves ‘old fashioned’ when it comes to […]
Lockdown – Our Lives Are Changing
There may be resentment, anger and frustration because so many of us have never before experienced loss of freedom, slowing down and the opportunity of looking deeply down within I think ourselves and facing up to who we really are. The reality of all that is having in our lives is slowly becoming to kick […]
Hello Readers, Lack of direction, not time is the problem. We all have 24 hours in our day, but it’s down to us how we choose to live our life and how we choose to use our time. If you do not know where you come from, then you don’t know where you are. If […]
Social Isolation
Hello Readers, There is always a real danger of social isolation as we get older, but recent events which have affected our world with the outbreak of the Covid 19 virus has resulted in us all being forced to stay indoor, at home and has abruptly put a stop to physical socialising dead it its […]
Easter Is The Soul’s First Sign Of Spring
Hello Readers, Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal and faith. Its message is to not abandon yourself to despair and nothingness because the resurrection is just the beginning of a new life. The gifts from heaven are freedom, life, hope, new direction, transformation and the restoration of hope, faith and the […]
Coronavirus And Prayers For Boris
Hello Readers, Our whole lives are constantly being affected and changing as a result of the Coronavirus catastrophe. We are living difficult times and a period of great transition and transformation. When we emerge from out of this living nightmare, our lives will be changed forever, beyond recognition as we are forced to walk the […]
The Phoenix Must Burn To Emerge To Rise And Live Again
Hello Readers, We are all like new born vampires weeping at the beauty of the darkness and the night. Days turn into night then back into days again. The weeks are flying by, yet everything seems so still, even though there is so much happening that is affecting each and every one of us. After […]
Before You Cut Down The Tree, Think Of The Birds That Take Refuge There
Hello Readers, We are living in times of great stress, pressure, enforced rest and deep, soulful reflection. Everything we are and stand for is being seriously tested and even though there is self isolation and social distancing happening all around us, there is no hiding place because the one person you cannot escape from is […]
Change Your Energy And Invite Peace And Calm Into Your Life
Hello Readers, One of the hardest tasks in this life is to make peace with yourself. You are your own master and only you possess the magic key that open the lock to the labyrinth of your deepest inner soul. Lesson number one: do not let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace, resulting […]
And In The Silence You Can Hear The Birds Sing
Hello Readers, Life as we knew it and the world around us is changing daily, minute by minute. Everything we took for granted, used and abused has been taken away from us and now that we have literally grounded to a standstill, we are forced to re evaluate our lives and start thinking about where […]
Splendid Isolation
Hello Readers, Living alone is not always ideal, but then, neither is a marriage. One perk of living alone is that there is no one to judge you. Some people think the worst thing in life is to end up all alone, but not necessarily because the worst thing is to end up with people […]
Technology and Communication Is Our Lifeline
Hello Readers, The most important thing we can do to help ourselves is to face the reality of what is happening rather than burying our heads in the sand in complete denial of the truth. All the recent events and life changing experiences we are having to accept and live through means we are all […]
Hello Readers, There are people who think they are other people and are often heavily influenced by them. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions and their lives a mimicry, a combined effort of everyone they know. They find it easier to live through someone else rather than to think for themselves. The freedom to plan […]
Have Patience With Your Heart
Hello Readers, You will never find peace and inner contentment until you listen to your heart and stop allowing the behaviour of others affect your equilibrium. No one can hurt you without your permission, so if need be, put some barriers up and refuse to engage in other people’s pointless dramas. Learning to distance yourself […]
Morning Will Come Anyway
Hello Readers, There comes a day when you realise that turning the next page gives you one of the best feelings in the world because there is so much more to your book than the page you have been stuck on up to now . Just supposing you suddenly stopped your daily routine, all your […]
You Don’t Have To Fit In Anywhere
Hello Readers, If you have ever experienced that feeling of loneliness of being an outsider, you may discover that throughout your life it never quite leaves you. It doesn’t matter how happy, rich, poor or successful you are, that feeling always stays within you. Its knowing the deep sadness of a strange kind of exile […]
Time Alone
Hello Readers, Sometimes it can be beautiful to be alone. To be alone doesn’t mean to be lonely, it means the mind can be calm and still and not contaminated by other people’s toxic energy. It means you can just rest awhile and think and see with greater clarity. Time alone gives you the chance […]
Ideal Meetings
Hello Readers, During the course of our lives we all meet lots of different types of people, some of whom remain and walk beside us whilst others disappear into oblivion, we don’t always know where they’ve come from or where they are journeying to. There are those people who when meet for the first time […]
Intuition Is Seeing With The Soul
Hello Readers, It’s not always possible to comprehend with your mind because it can be very limited at times, instead use the gift you were born with, your intuition. Your intuition is a gift that was given to you at your birth. When your intuition sends a signal, always make a point of listening because […]
If You Don’t Go Over It, You Will Go Under It
Hello Readers, Trauma is change we didn’t choose and healing is about creating change and moving forwards. We don’t always get to choose certain things and incidents that happen to us, but we do get to choose how we react to the diagnosis. We can either shrivel up and be the victim or we can […]
Be A Shepherd, Not A Sheep
Hello Readers, As you become more ever present in your own life, you will begin to have greater influence on others. What you do has a far greater impact than what you say. People may doubt your words or promises, but they will believe what you do. Be the person who stands out in a […]
Because You Are Different
Hello Readers, One of the greatest regrets you can ever have in life is immersing yourself in the thankless task of trying so hard to be what you think others want you to be instead of just simply being yourself and realising that you are enough and have no need to change for anyone. Some […]
Be In Charge Of Your Own Destiny
Hello Readers, Continuous effort, not particularly physical strength or even intelligence , is the secret to unlocking your hidden potential. Once you alter your mindset, the rest of your life will fall into place. It’s important to get a clear perspective on how meaningful the opinions of others really are to you. Start by developing […]
Its Your Light That Shines On The World
Hello Readers, Decide what you want and how you plan to live out your life. Believe you deserve the best and that achieving your goals is possible. Focus on what you are grateful for and refuse to become embroiled in other people’s negativity and daily dramas, because all they will do is drag you down. […]
2020 New Year Horoscopes
Linda Lancashire’s 2020 New Year Horoscopes Hello Readers, The New Year is another chance for us to ‘get it right’ and to do things differently to how we approached obstacles, hurdles and challenges in the past. Life isn’t perfect and sometimes things don’t always go the way we want and often plans are forced to […]
Hello Readers, During the course of our lives one of the most difficult things we are all faced with is trying to make the right decision about which way to go in next, and which avenues to pursue whilst constantly questioning our better judgement. Almost everything we do in this life involves a taking a […]
Christmas Message 2019
Hello Readers, Christmas is doing a little something extra for others, whether they be family, friends or for those in need. Christmas is the very word that brings joy to our hearts and conjures up nostalgic memories of Christmas past. No matter how much we may dread the rush, the long Christmas lists for cards, […]
Hello Readers, At first they will ask you why you’re doing it, later they will ask you how you did it? Success is not final, failure is not final, it is having the guts and courage to continue against all odds that matters the most. Success can be attained in just about anything, but it […]