Linda Lancashire Psychic

News and forthcoming events: Hello Readers


Hello Readers,   A pessimist sees difficult in every opportunity but an optimist sees an opportunity in every difficulty because they know that even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.   I am a born optimist and whether that comes from nature or nurture or just how the planets are positioned […]


Hello Readers, Do you believe in Angels?  I know I do because I personally have had so much proof and evidence that these heavenly beings exist that if it were not for Angels, I probably would not be here because of all the help I have received during my lifetime right up to the present […]

Be Your Own Advisor

Hello Readers, Deep down within us all is a fount of wisdom. This is called intuition, but listening to your intuition is a very slow, learnt process because not everyone listens to that tiny voice or feeling that will tell you when you should or should not have done something.  It’s an incredibly still, noiseless, […]


Hello Readers,   No man or woman is an island.  We are all people who need other people some time or other.  The desire to belong is foremost in everyone’s mind.  Having a sense of belonging is a human need just like the need for food and shelter.  Some people find belonging in a church, […]


Hello Readers, Change has to happen, it is inevitable. Everything and every situation has a beginning bit, a middle bit and an end bit, there is no escaping this fact of life, however, change is something most of us shy away from because we find the prospect of it daunting or even scary and would […]

Some Bridges Are Meant To Be Burned

Hello Readers, Some bridges are meant to be burned because there are certain things and certain people you cannot afford to go back to. You can never get back time, so don’t waste it.  A lot of people find letting go difficult and constantly torture themselves with images in their mind about how things might […]

The Power Of Silence

Hello Readers, ‘Silence is golden, speech is silver’. How many times have you opened your mouth, said something and immediately wished that the ground would open up and swallow you up? I bet your answer is ‘lots of times’. And how often have you found yourself in the company of people who constantly talked and chatted […]

A Book Is Also A Good Friend

Hello Readers, Ever since I was a young child, my greatest passion has always been reading books and joining the Library was my idea of heaven, the best gift of all that anyone could have given me. I vividly remember attending school jumble sales held on a Friday and the only thing I was interested […]

Happy New Year!

Hello Readers, Welcome to 2016, The Year of Opportunity. I hope in this New Year to come that you make many mistakes and learn through your experiences. If you are making mistakes, you are making things and making progress with personal growth. Make 2016 the year to try new things, learning, living, pushing yourself that […]

Horoscopes for 2016

Linda Lancashire’s 2016 New Year Horoscopes Aries March 21 – April 20th RELATIONSHIPS AND WELLBEING You can look forward to a spectacular new year that predicts a great deal of romance, new friendships and a social circle that will provide entertainment, mental, emotional and spiritual stimulus with lots of fun and laughter thrown in for […]

Live Your Life Now

Hello Readers, Not so long ago it was suggested to me that I should make a ‘Bucket List’ of all the things I wanted to do before I left this planet once and for all. I have read about people recovering from terrible illnesses, accidents, divorce, separation and bereavement or survive a massive ordeal that […]


Hello Readers, One of the most important and fundamental needs of humans and animals to have a place they can call their home.  Home sweet home, our home is our castle, its somewhere to retreat to after a long day at work, or return to after a holiday when we have spent time away from […]

Old Friends

Hello Readers, It’s that festive time of year again when people start thinking nostalgically about the past and probably happier times. We often lose touch with certain people because of difficult circumstances, family feuds, misunderstandings, people moving away and even some admitting that they are not very good at keeping in touch, the list of […]

Saying Sorry

Hello Readers, ‘SORRY’. This one little word can sometimes feel like the biggest of all, but a heartfelt apology really can heal wounds and restore relationships. Saying sorry is perhaps the most under used resource for making things better. It has the power to save marriages, restore families and friendships and sometimes be more effective […]


Hello Readers, During the course of our lives, we are often faced with making some very difficult decisions, which can prove overwhelming and take much courage to arrive at. In the same vein, there are also times when we have perhaps purchased goods or agreed to a contract that has not met up with our […]

Nowhere To Hide

Hello Readers, Anywhere we go, no matter what we do, we will always have ourselves with us. We cannot escape ourselves. We can hide from others, separate, divorce, emigrate, keep running and running round and round in circles, chasing our tales, endeavour to flee our shadows seeking greener pastures, but one thing is for real, […]

Secrets And Lies

Hello Readers, ‘Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive’ All people have secrets and all people tell lies. They tell lies to protect their secrets. Watch with glittering eyes all around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places, and three people may keep […]

Letting Go, Clearing and Healing

Hello Readers, Do you find letting go difficult? Do you feel as though you are stuck in the past, reliving past issues and experiencing flashbacks of the traumas that you have had to live through? It’s as though no matter how much suffering you endured, it still feels as though you cannot seem to let […]


Hello Readers, The strongest and most beautiful people we have known are those who have known heartbreak, suffering, struggle, loss and have found their way out of those depths despite the odds against them. Anyone with a heart, a family, loved ones, beloved pets, has experienced loss of one kind or another and no one […]


Hello Readers, Throughout the course of our lives we often have to face and deal with challenges that test our strengths and serve to form our character as we mature and we could never learn to be brave, courageous and patient if there was only joy in the world and nothing else. Here is a […]

Appreciate Yourself

Hello Readers, If you are not happy with yourself, if you are constantly looking elsewhere, over your shoulder and anywhere but within your own soul, you are never going to find the inner peace, happiness and the true contentment that you seek. If a you are not happy with the person you spend the most […]

Storms Don’t Last Forever

Hello Readers, During the course of our lives, we sometimes have to face and deal with many serious problems and some of them are so severe and overwhelming that we often wonder if, how and when we will ever get over such terrible traumas and in what state we will find ourselves in once the […]

A Sense Of Humour

Hello Readers, ‘Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you’ll cry alone’ Possessing a good sense of humour is the best indicator that you will recover from almost anything and sure way of attracting people towards you because they want to be your friend. Sustain that and you will have hope of achieving […]


Hello Readers, No one is without troubles, without personal hardships or genuine challenges. Each day we have to face what obstacles throws at us and do our very best to overcome them, although this is often easier said than done.  It isn’t always so obvious to recognise other people’s situations because no everyone wears their heart […]


Hello Readers, Are your actions leading you to success or failure?  One thing I have noticed about so many successful people I have met, that stands out the most from those who are not successful is that that they are more willing to go the extra mile in order to achieve than those who have […]

Your Body Is Your Temple

Hello Readers, You only get one body and it is the temple of your soul.  If you treat your body with love and respect, nourish it, feed it, exercise and value it, it will serve you well for decades.  However, if you abuse it, be prepared to suffer poor health, a distinct lack of energy […]


Hello Readers, Every day of your life we are faced with opportunities.  We are faced with making decisions, regardless of whether they are tough, life changing decisions or simple choices, like what to have for dinner that day, what to wear, who to telephone first, where to take our next holiday, who to say ‘yes’ to […]

The Best Day Of Your Life Is Today

Hello Readers, When was the last time you woke up and realised that ‘Today’ could be the best day of your life? The best day of your life is ‘Today’, for today is the only day guaranteed. Today, expect something good to happen to you no matter what happened yesterday or the day before. The […]

Knowing When To Say ‘Enough Is Enough’

Hello Readers, You do not have to put up with anyone’s bad behaviour.  Sometimes there are situations that occur where we have to take positive action to save our own sanity.  I can vividly remember someone I once knew who was only happy to be a friend whilst ever they were telling me and everyone […]

A Warm Welcome

Hello Readers, Having guests in your home can be so much fun, but it can also be tedious and stressful too, depending on who your guests are, of course. People never get a second chance at making a good, first impression.  Saying ‘welcome’ with a lovely smile, a happy face and greeted like a best […]

Never Follow The Crowd

Hello Readers, To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.  So many people choose to live in unhappy circumstances and yet refuse to take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of conformity and what they perceive as […]


Hello Readers, Making new friends is one of the greatest things that can happen.  Each new friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive and its only through this meeting that our lives can change forever.  We don’t meet people by accident or coincidence.  They are meant to cross our […]

The Importance Of Holidays

Hello Readers, Every person needs a break, some time out, even if it’s just one, beautiful, precious day.  Jobs, family, employers and friends can exist one day without us, because think about it, if you were not around, they would have to find a way of managing, wouldn’t they?  Each person deserves a day away […]


Hello Readers, During our lives, we are often tested and facing up to certain situations can make us feel overwhelmed, disheartened and  at our wits end, but no matter how hard we have to struggle to overcome obstacles, we must never feel defeated.  There will always be a way forward if we don’t give up […]

You Attract What You Think About

Hello Readers, You are a living magnet. What you attract into your life is in harmony with your thoughts and feelings. All our thoughts are powerful forms of vibrating energy. We become what we think about most, both good and bad and we also attract what we think about the most. If you dwell on […]


Hello Readers, There are some people who only see what they want to see and throw their ‘teddies out of the pram’ when they are being told what they don’t want to hear, especially if it’s the truth and a few raw nerves have been touched. Welcome to the world of the ‘Sulker’. To be […]

Life Is Too Short

Hello Readers, Life is short.  Don’t wait until it’s too late to realise how precious life is because your life begins right now.  When you stop wanting for things or certain lifestyle, you will begin to start living and enjoying what is on offer.  Remember, what is meant for you will not by pass you.  […]

The Perils Of Being A Nice Person

Hello Readers, When someone calls you a ‘nice’ person, there are different meanings and what does ‘nice’ mean anyway?  Sometimes an individual cannot find the right way to describe you.  Are they saying that you are funny, interesting, kind or just a push over?  People often refer to a person who is accommodating and focused […]

Dealing With Stress

Hello Readers, The people who affect your life and the downfalls you experience, they are the ones who help create who you are. Even the bad experiences can be learned from and those lessons are the hardest of all, yet some of the most important ones because they are a fine example of how never […]

Appreciate The People Who Matter

Hello Readers, When people walk out of your life, let them go.  If they honestly wanted to be there in the first place, they would never have chosen to leave.  When you truly love anyone, you never consider that person out of your life for even a minute, hour or day.  If someone does leave […]

The Need To Belong

Hello Readers, As the song goes, by The Beatles, ‘All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong?’ There is a fundamental human need to form and maintain a minimum amount of lasting relationships whether they be with a life partner, friends or family.  Satisfying […]


Hello Readers, There are two things that most people want more of.  More money and more time.  They complain about not having enough of either, but people waste both time and money by frittering it away so that it literally evaporates into thin air and they can see nothing for it. Most people start their […]


Hello Readers, How well you understand others makes all the difference in your relationships with them. People are an open book and if you watch and listen to what they say over time, you can get a very good picture of their personality and attitudes. We meet people, we start relationships, friendships, romance even, but […]

Do What’s Right For You

Hello Readers, Intuition is always right in two important ways. It’s always in response to something and it always has your best interests at heart. There is no such thing as chance. Everything happens as a result of ’cause and effect’, so what you do now creates your future. It’s not the strongest nor the […]


Hello Readers,   There is a trick to a graceful exit.     It begins with the vision to recognise when a job, a life stage or a relationship is over and let it go. It means leaving behind what’s left over without making excuses about its past importance. It involves a sense of future, […]

Argumentative People

Hello Readers, Argumentative people can be found almost everywhere. They enjoy arguing just for the sake of arguing. Whilst some people like to debate and discuss ideas and opinions, others argue out of habit. They can’t help themselves and will make a fuss out of the slightest unimportant trivia to cause as much conflict and […]


Hello Readers, How many people do you know possess a ‘feuding mentality’? They will argue with you until they are blue in the face and they are always right, even when they are wrong, they are always right!! Raging, shouting, name calling and throwing things is all a big bluff because the person who is […]

Heal Yourself

Hello Readers,   Regardless the life situation your find yourself in, it is possible for you to heal or improve yourself and your life in a most remarkable way. The mind is like a magnet. It attracts what it thinks about the most, the stronger the thoughts the stronger the attraction. If you want to […]

Be True To Yourself

Hello Readers, Some people think that the worst thing in life is to end up alone. It’s not. One of the worst things in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone. Being fake in life is going to attract fake reactions from people, fake flattery, fake friends and fake everything. […]


Hello Readers,   When the shops are full of Easter Eggs, tins of paint, rolls of wallpaper and trays of bedding plants etc., You know it will soon be Easter, the first big holiday after Christmas. It marks the end of a long dark winter and the beginning of something new, with hope in the […]

Friendships Sometimes Change

Hello Readers, People change and often they become the person they said they would never be.  Sometimes that’s good and sometimes it isn’t. Things change, friends leave for all kinds of reasons and life doesn’t stop for anybody.  Sometimes the person they turn into is the person they would dislike intensely and want to fight […]

Not All That Glitters Is Gold

Hello Readers, Living a life of regret causes untold unhappiness and is none productive. No friendship or relationship is a complete waste of time. OK, so things didn’t work out and you are hurt and upset because you didn’t get what you wanted out of it. But then look at the positive side because at […]

Actions Say It All

Hello Readers, Repeated actions are what shape our character and reputation. If someone says they want to spend time with you, but repeatedly fail to turn up, they are communicating that they are not willing to follow through on their promises. It’s all very well to be understanding and compassionate, but at what point is […]

Never Give Up

Hello Readers, The temptation to give up is a common one and no one is exempt. Failure is easy and something that many of us find difficult to handle. Life happens. We cannot control the situations and circumstances that life throws at us, but we can control how we choose to handle obstacles when they […]

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Hello Readers, How many times have you heard your friends tell you that they always look for the good in people and then break down in tears in a terribly upset state because they have been let down by someone they trusted? How many times has this happened to you also? The scenario is typical […]

Wendy Griffenwood

Hello Readers, Great News!! I would like to announce, new in Broomsticks Corner, Marshall Street, Heanor, Derbyshire, (the spiritual centre of the universe) resides a gifted lady who is also my new neighbour, Wendy Griffinwood. Wendy has migrated to Heanor all the way from Portsmouth offering her services as a REMEDIAL THERAPIST, RELAXATION MASSAGE AND […]

Do Things Your Own Way

Hello Readers, If something worries you more than it should,  it can only be that certain fears have got the better of you.  Have you ever lost sleep, tossed and turned all night worrying needlessly about the opinions of others or a certain person who has the  knack of bullying others by means of passive, […]

Choose Your Friends Wisely

Hello Readers,   Some people come into our lives and we know in our hearts that if they left, we would never be able to replace them. Good friends are the simplest and easiest to spend time with. They accept you for who you are, laugh at your bad jokes, respect your wisdom, look to […]

Communication Crisis

Hello Readers, How many of you have been good, close friends with someone until one day you realised that in truth, you have absolutely nothing really in common with this person any more, let alone enjoy a good, honest conversation? This situation can prove most upsetting and disallusioning to any of us, but unless the […]

Flakey Friends

Hello Readers, Have you ever come across so called friends, the worst kind who will use you until they have a ‘new best friend’ or partner in their lives then drop you like a ‘hot scone’ and disappear into the sunset without explanation or consideration for your feelings? I bet their actions left you feeling […]

Aim To Be The Very Best At Everything You Do

Hello Readers, Aiming to be the very best at everything you do is a very tall order, and deliberately so.  If you go to work, then do your job as well as is humanly possible.  It does not matter what your occupation is, if you do not put your heart and soul into it, then […]


Hello Readers,   As you start to grow, spiritually evolve and progress you begin to realise and understand so much more in life than when you were younger and dafter. Not everyone appreciates that our health is our wealth. They take life for granted and don’t even think about planning for the future because in […]

Believe In Your Dreams

Hello Readers, Believe in your dreams – This may seem incredibly obvious, incredibly easy, but you would be surprised how many people seriously limit their dreams and aspirations.  I have worked as a Psychic for a great many years and have met the most interesting people from all walks of life, many of which are […]

Horoscopes for 2015

Linda Lancashire’s 2015 New Year Horoscopes Aries March 21 – April 20th RELATIONSHIPS This is your party year, but like all parties there is an element of anxiousness and anticipation that comes with them. Will you be seen as the party animal or will you be that wallflower? New relationships and attractions shall come your […]

New Year Traditions

Hello Readers, Its traditional to welcome in the New Year by partying and making merry with toasts of champagne and the sharing of food with friends and loved ones. All over the world, people will be ringing in the changes and exiting the old year noisily whilst at the same time keeping their fingers crossed […]

Christmas Message 2014

Hello Readers, Tis the season of holly, kissing under the mistletoe, sending Christmas Greetings , carol singing and connecting with friends, neighbours, lovers and anyone else we happen to meet along the way. Christmas markets do a roaring trade selling roasted chestnuts, mulled wine, gifts for everyone and homemade fayre. Both children and adults who […]

BBC Radio Nottingham

Hello Readers, Over the past 30 years I have been very privileged to have enjoyed a fabulous career in both writing and reading out your Stars on various BBC Radio Stations. During that time I have worked with the most talented and incredible Radio Presenters and for the past 6 years I have been reading […]

Things That Money Cannot Buy

Hello Readers, There are always hot topics of discussion that money cannot buy everything, which is absolutely true. There are certain things in life that are just ‘Not For Sale’. They cannot be bought nor taught. They have to be learned. But you try telling this to people who are incredibly materialistic and only concerned […]

Happy 5th Birthday To The Lulas

Hello Readers, There is a very true saying ‘That the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step’, and how very accurate in the case of ‘The Famous, Ginger Psychic Poodles’, Hilda and Talullah, better known as ‘The Lulas’, a pair of glamours, flaming red heads that turn heads everywhere they go and […]


Hello Readers, Have you ever questioned your confidence levels, had the stuffing knocked out of you by the insensitive, yet deliberate comments made by people, or a certain person because their intention is to target your self esteem and make you feel as low as possible? These situations happen almost everywhere from close relatives and […]

Health Is In Our Hands

Hello Readers, Have you ever thought about your health and how healthy you really are? Its so easy to take our health for granted, until one day we are hit with a bombshell and within a split second, our whole life is turned upside down and we are forced to re think our lifestyle or suffer […]

We All Have Choices

Hello Readers, How many times have you heard people tell you ‘I dont have a choice?’ They see themselves as stuck in an old way of life repeating habitual behaviour because its easier than making changes. One of the scariest things I have noticed about so many people is that when it is suggested that […]

Never Assume You Know Anyone

Hello Readers, One of the greatest mistakes any of us can make is assuming, believing that we know another person through and through, because nothing is further from the truth. We can live with a partner, be close to a best friend for many years and then one day realise that we never knew anything […]

October 31st 2014

Hello Readers, Welcome October 31st, Halloween, a time of supernatural intensity. The Harvest is in and a spirit of thanksgiving takes hold because this is when we celebrate having enough food in to take us through the winter months. As the nights draw in and the weather turns colder a dark energy encompasses a sense […]

Talk Less, Achieve More

Hello Readers, Always be aware that there are people out there who try very hard to expose what is Wrong with you, pointing out your faults and failings, because they cannot handle what is Right with you. In other words, their behaviour has got nothing at all to do with you, it simply illustrates what […]


Hello Readers, In this very material world that we live in, a new affliction is affecting many friendships and relationships. Its another word for ‘Green Eyed Monster’…..Frienvy. Its the envious feelings that someone gets when a friend has what you covet. It is fuelled by your friend’s success in certain areas of his or her […]


Hello Readers, We have arrived in Autumn, the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. The balmy days of summer are now well behind us and Halloween is only just around the corner at the end of October. There are always lots of folk law and ghost stories going around at this time of the year […]

Are You An Ostrich?

Hello Readers, Facing the truth is always better than ignoring it, because burying your head in the sand like an Ostrich is not a solution, its a cop out. Denial is dismissing your own intuition. It is blatently overlooking what is right in front of you, staring you in the face. It stems from a […]

Just Keep Going

Hello Readers, Your hardest and most difficult trials often hit you when you are at your lowest ebb and leave you feeling in utter despair. Take heart, there is a reason for everything, although at the time, its very difficult to comprehend. Whilst you are battling through, you are being led to your greatest moments […]

Wake Up And Smell The Coffee

Hello Readers, Never forget three types of people in your life. 1. The ones who helped you in difficult times and happily put aside their own worries and commitments at a moments notice and assist where possible no matter what time of day or night. These are the friends who keep in constant touch. They […]

Best Of Friends, Worst Of Enemies

Hello Readers, Friendships can be tricky. Often the worst of enemies were once our best friends. Sometimes we can meet someone and make an instant positive or negative connection. We can instinctively know that this person is going to play a major role in our lives and we in theirs. Sometimes we know that this […]

People Who Don’t Treat You Right

Hello Readers, You dont forget people who dont treat you right and you pray for them that they might have a change of heart and realise that someday they will be treated unfairly by people they believe love them. We do have regrets sometimes especially when we think of the consequences of our choices backed […]

Personal Boundaries

Hello Readers,  Personal boundaries are the imaginary lines you draw around yourself that no one should cross either physically, unless invited in, or emotionally. You are entitled to respect, privacy, decency, kindness, love, truth and honour, to name but a few rights. If people cross the lines and blur the boundaries, in order to preserve […]

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Hello Readers, ‘Don’t talk, just act, don’t say, just show, don’t promise, just prove’. Some people say and make promises they either cannot keep or have no intention of fulfilling. These people are the classic empty vessels who make the most noise. They do this on a daily basis and say things like ‘next year […]

Create Time For Yourself

Hello Readers, No one in their right mind wakes up one morning and decides to plan to fail. During the hustle, bustle and madness of life, what happens is that we often fail to make a plan. Its vitally important to make a point of creating some uninterrupted time out for yourself. Make yourself unavailable […]

Getting Older

Hello Readers, Someone recently asked me a very interesting question? How did I see old people? I then asked the questioner another even more interesting question? How did they see themselves when they reached my age? And how old did they think I actually was? They could not guess and were stunned with disbelief when […]

Out Of All Bad Things Comes Something Good

Hello Readers, Depending on how you view a situation, there is often a silver lining attached to every dark cloud. Recently a lovely client visited me from ‘nether regions’, had journeyed many miles to visit me for a consultation and during our session became visibly upset. This particular gentleman is a ‘Master Builder’, well respected, […]

Distance Yourself From Negativity

Hello Readers, Are you one of those people who concerns themselves with things and people who do them no good at all? Or do you know someone who is always landing themselves in hot water and trouble and do absolutely nothing about remedying the situation? If so, be proactive and do something positive to put […]

Living In The Past

Hello Readers, Do you spend a lot of time reminiscing about the past? Thinking fondly of the past and looking back at the way things used to be isn’t a bad thing. Sometimes we love to look back at old photographs, memorabilia, re runs of old movies, the list is endless. However, there is a […]


Hello Readers, During the course of our lives we are often unprepared for the unexpected, the sort of events that prove life changing and dramatically alter the course of our destiny forever. Its so easy to just sit there complaining how bored, fed up and tired we are with our daily grind, chanting ‘new day, […]

Self Reliance

Hello Readers, In order for you for you to live the life you truly want to, you first have to work on cultivating the ability of relying absolutely and totally on yourself. One of the biggest problems and mistakes I come across with so many people is that they are utterly dependent and attached to […]

The Power Of Belief

Hello Readers, Take the time to look at the thoughts and expectations you have about life, because in order to for this sparkling new you to create the life that you want, you need to understand why your life is the way it is now. The direction and quality of your life is the result […]

Wedding Customs

Hello Readers, With Summer Weddings in full swing, getting married is a big and lucrative business and one that is doubtful to ever go completely out of fashion. Huge amounts of money is spent on making that special day a memorable one not only for the bride and groom, but also arranging the best party […]


Hello Readers, In this life, there is nothing more guaranteed than change. The seasons change, the weather constantly changes and nothing stands still. Even our faces and bodies change as we get older. All of us are either at the beginning of a new chapter, in the middle of an episode or at the end […]

Be Selfless

Hello Readers, How do any of us know that we are good, kind, selfless people? Are you a big, generous, expansive human being, or do you struggle with showing outward affection and find it even more difficult to give hugs, cuddles and reassurances? Only you know the answers because only you know the truth. More […]

June Traditions

Hello Readers, The month of June is the sixth month and already we have arrived at half way through the year when Midsummer Night heralds the longest day, giving a clear indication that shorter nights are on their way. The June Solstice has been associated with many ancient summer traditions and continues to be celebrated […]

Be Willing To Learn

Hello Readers, What hugely, successful people have in common is their willingness to learn and ad to adapt or re-invent themselves. There are thousands of people out there successfully running their own businesses and earning lots of money doing what they love. There are people who prize freedom, independence and the opportunity to make their […]

Approve of Yourself

Hello Readers, One of the most draining, tedious and morale-destroying conversations you can have with yourself or anyone else is the one that focuses on your perceived imperfections. Whether its your weight, your receding hairline, your forgetfulness, the piece of work you just did or anything else, its deadly boring for you and anyone unfortunate […]


Hello Readers, There are many ways to avoid being successful in life, but few beat ‘Procrastination’. These are people who will put off doing today what they think they can do tomorrow, but never will. I am sure you have all met someone like this at one time or another? During my many years of […]


Hello Readers Your intuition is connected to the 6th Chakra in your subtle energy system. It is know as your Third Eye. Without intuition, you are no different to a computer because you only make decisions based on facts, and you don’t always have all the facts. Even some of the worlds greatest scientists and […]

May Day Traditions

Hello Readers, Its May, its May, the merry month of May. May 1st ushers in the fifth month of the calendar year, but interestingly before 1752, when the calendar was changed, it was 11 days earlier. May Day celebrations have their origins in the Roman Festival of Flora, the Goddess of fruit and flowers which […]

Misplaced Loyalties

Hello Readers, Human relationships are one of the most complex and difficult things to master and manage. Its also extremely painful to be rejected and unappreciated and yet the world over, there is always someone, somewhere pining for a lost love or doing all the chasing after someone who devalues and disrespects them, ignoring pleas […]


Hello Readers, The Easter celebrations are upon us once again. Shops have been filled with Easter Eggs, chocolates and Easter Bonnet kits for weeks and its a time for families to get together or a grand opportunity for keen gardeners and painters and decorators to get stuck into making your home and garden a more […]

You Are What You Eat

Hello Readers, Ninety percent of the diseases known to man are caused by cheap food stuffs. Many of us feel we are doing well if we manage to eat our recommended ‘five a day’, but a study has found that if we want to enjoy a longer and healthier life, eating seven or more daily […]