Linda Lancashire Psychic

Clean Up Your Act

Hello Readers,

As time marches on and the seasons continue to change we must prepare to move on into more serious, grounded times after all the dramas and excitement of yesterday ,so a big clean up and reorganisation will be necessary so that you can begin to see a new pathway emerging, pointing you in a brand new direction and one which works for you.

It will benefit you hugely to become more responsible, articulate and meticulous because developing a good system is vital to your future growth and success. This is not a time to rush into things either, otherwise you will risk missing important details resulting in you back tracking, thus wasting time and causing delays and uninvited dramas. Things will happen soon enough because everything which is meant for you will not go past you and there is more in store for you to look forward to than you probably realise at this moment in time. For now, regroup and reorganise your surroundings, work and social calendar and start looking at doing things very differently to before because after all, if you always do the same thing, you will always get the same result, so if something isn’t working, do the only sensible thing and change it. It’s important to have everything in its proper place and order if you are to work efficiently. Be consistent and methodical and never worry if others see you as boring become their opinions are of little or no consequence to you. If you don’t put your own house in any systematic order, you will end up dwelling in confusion and sheer chaos. Your ability to adapt and adjust is far more advanced than you probably give yourself credit for.

Do what you can to help yourself in as many ways as possible and avoid anything or anyone that gives any indication of draining your life energies. Know who you are and always surround yourself with people who affect you in a positive way and only then will you find yourself on the right track.

Until Next Week,

Love and Light,

Linda and The Lulas xxx

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