Linda Lancashire Psychic

Decide To Be Extraordinary and Do What You Need To Do


We are all seeds of the universe barely breaking through the light, fighting for survival, and who dream of being the tallest and most beautiful of trees basking in the sunlight. It is during the times when you are far outside of your element that you will experience your spirituality the most. It is during those magical moments when you will see and feel who you really are. It is when you are walking towards the unknown that you can sometimes live through the scariest of moments as you take unsure steps as you illuminate magnificently your most powerful aura and influence over others. Suddenly you uncover feelings and emotions that you didn’t know existed, and how differently you are starting to see yourself. Circumstances don’t make a person, but other people’s responses reveal who they are. You cannot change what happens to you, but you can alter the meaning you give to everything that happens. The obstacle in the path that is slowing you down becomes the path you are meant to walk along. Within every challenge is an opportunity to improve your surrounding conditions. We all have choices.

How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself? If you feel like the voices in your head are somehow causing obstructions and doubts in the way you do things, realise that you can change the internal repetitive dialogue to words more positive and effective to your requirements.  Whenever you are required to make a big decision, try think more carefully about the possible consequences because for every action there is a reaction. Will the ultimate outcome of what you are desperately seeking align with who you actually are as a person? Rather than constantly regretting the past, complaining about what is outside of your control, and worrying about the future, it’s important to focus your attention on the present moment because the here and now is all we have. No one expects you to be perfect, always strong and without weakness, because that ideal is not realistic. Just be yourself because you are enough.

When success begins to slip away from your fingers, for whatever reason, your reaction must not be to grip and claw onto something so hard that you shatter it to pieces, but to try to understand that you must work towards that magical aspirational phase that once made you so great. You must get back to first principles and best practices. Lead by example because people are listening, watching and learning whilst following your lead. Dwell on the beauty of life by gazing at the stars and seeing yourself running with them. The whole future lies in uncertainty , do be careful of what you wish.

‘They lose the day in expectation of the night, and the night in fear of the dawn.
I want to help others.
I want to make a difference in their lives.
I want to be extraordinary.
So many before her
she will never live up to expectations.
But I have to… but not for them.
For me I owe it to me.
I need to strive to help those I can.
To end suffering in any way possible
To not stand by and watch,
when there is a chance to make an impact on another
To be not extra ordinary, but
Extraordinary, For me.’

Love and light,
Linda and the Lulas xxx

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