Linda Lancashire Psychic

Drifting Apart Day By Day, Yet Still Holding On For Dear Life


The meaning of detachment or disengagement is the action or process of separating, whilst demonstrating indifference to other people, or to your surroundings. It requires the ability to break free of emotional bonds, things, or situations. It’s about being able to observe and experience reality, events and experiences without being overly influenced or affected by them. Instead, it’s about developing the ability to focus on the present moment whilst understanding and appreciating what is truly important and becoming invested only if it is absolutely necessary or beneficial. Most significantly,  it is acknowledging that we are never the cause of someone else’s decisions, dramas, lifestyle choices and subsequent consequences. We all have our own individual path to walk, and the secret is to keep it that way.

Disconnecting from certain people and circumstances can help to save your sanity as well as your money and your life. Disconnecting from emotional vampires who drain your life blood energies whilst sapping the strength out of your very being is key to your mental, spiritual growth and subsequent recovery. Occasionally,  it’s far kinder to disconnect temporarily in order to reconnect at a later date, or perhaps never because everything changes, time doesn’t stand still and there are no guarantees. We all need a break from unwanted pressures and those responsible for inflicting them. Some people don’t know how to love, nor even care, they just say they do. Empty words have no meaning, it’s their actions that count. Some just want to stay connected because of your social or financial status. They want favours, make gains wanting something for nothing. They love the benefits of being part of your intimate circle whilst thriving on the power, kudos and influence this association provides them with. All very fickle and flaky, but it’s important to recognise the warning signs.

They know how to play the game of life. A little phone call or message here and there, gifts , surprises, complimentary goodies, just checking up on you to make sure you haven’t found a way of slipping through their net of deceit is all it takes to keep you on board. Your soul can sometimes feel very lonely, not necessarily when you lack company, but when you find yourself in the wrong company. Some people will foolishly view all this attention as flattery, whilst others will keep seeing red warnings flags and act accordingly.

Sometimes it can take an eternity to find an effective diversion from a certain people because of their toxicity, controlling and coercive behaviour, and your addiction to them. No matter how bad, sad or disastrous the whole scenario might be, it’s your dependency and craving for more that will be responsible for dragging down into the abyss. Perhaps it’s time to cancel your subscription to their long list of unresolved issues and walk away in the opposite direction. Always put yourself and your safety first.

Detach, disengage and think about embracing new opportunities and perspectives. Develop the habit of viewing life from an external vantage point rather than getting too close. Your wealth or success is not conditional on you owning anything, but more of a case of you being prepared to let go of superficial nonsensical people, trinkets, assumptions and ideas that amount to nothing so as to liberate your imprisonment soul.

The only thing you can ever really do is to keep moving forwards. Take that big leap of faith towards a brighter future without hesitation, and forge ahead with your plans and dreams. There comes a point when you must leave certain individuals on the pages of your past, where they belong. The only time they may be referred to again is when you speak about the things you have chosen to let go of, without shedding a tear of regret.

‘Get disconnected,
And find you are detached from life.
Your fight becomes for the trivial,
And what is obvious to others
Eludes your sight.
You are choked up and smothered,
The fire you started, snuffing out all oxygen-
No longer beneficial.
And then you die’

Love and light,
Linda and the Lulas xxx

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