Hello Readers,
Although our days may sometimes feel like ground hog days and undistinguishable, there are never two days which are exactly the same. Every now and again a profound and powerful situation arises that leads to an important change of perspective and direction leading us to places, people and things we never thought possible.
Although there is something comforting about having a plan that is cast in stone, even if we don’t particularly like what it involves, most people are creatures of habit and dislike any kind of change or disruption to their daily routine. Knowing what we are supposed to be doing and surrounding ourselves with familiar faces provides us with a sense of security, whereas the space that arises from dealing with the unknown leaves room for a lot of nagging doubts and at times panic. If we refuse to make space for something new and different, we deprive ourselves and sometimes others of discovering just what is possible and out there for us to partake and take new joy from. Be glad you met all the people in your life, the good and the bad because they make you feel thankful for learning your life lessons because without growth we are stumped and stuck in the same old situation where nothing much positive or new can happen.
Once in a life time we meet someone who changes our life forever as we are able to change theirs at the same time. Old doors close, new ones open, today may not be good, tomorrow could even be worse, but the day after the sun will shine and everything will look different and better again, including us.
Until Next Week,
Love and Light,
Linda and The Lulas xxx