Linda Lancashire Psychic

Invisible Threads Are The Strongest Ties


The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards developing spirituality and solitude. Some people are so keen to put the details of their private life in public that they fail to understand that invisibility is a superpower like no other. What people don’t know they become more curious about to the point of fantasising what other people’s lives might be like. Privately, we are not just mere spectators, but active participants in other people’s lives, some more deeply entwined than others. Neither are we just mere observers, but creators and architects of our own destiny shaped by our choices and subsequent actions.

If you have a strong sense of purpose and enough enthusiasm and self-belief, you won’t need to be pushed or cajoled into doing anything because your passion and determination will drive you towards your destination. Never march to the beat of someone else’s drum because the people who follow crowds will usually go no further than the crowd eventually arriving at a full stop. Once you decide to walk alone following your own path, you are far more likely to find yourself in places you have ever ventured before. Always remember that the throngs and baying mobs that applaud your success are the same ones who will relish your downfall. Always be your own person by refusing to live by other people’s standards and definition of happiness. Only you are responsible for yourself, no one else.

Sensitives and empaths feel everything very deeply because they can relate to the suffering of others. They quietly carry their burdens whilst keeping their secrets safe away from public scrutiny. They wisely build their walls high enough to protect their heart and sanity and away from prying eyes and gossip mongers. They don’t give their trust, respect or friendship easily, it must be earned. Neither do they wish to appear vulnerable or available to all the prowling predators out there in the wilderness of loss and bleak living in search for rich pickings. You may soon begin to notice that private people have only a few select friends, outsiders are acquaintances, colleagues and associates. They tend to surround themselves with the truest of souls, not the dishonest or immoral ones.

No person can fill the void made by not loving yourself. One of the main aspects of being quiet and reserved is that external distractions could soon fill your silence with their own interpretations, speculations and versions of amateur dramatics if you let them. When others misinterpret you, they will resort to writing their own version but littered with inaccuracies. Introverts don’t need more, they need less. They prefer to be around fewer people, minimal distractions and zero chaos and trouble. To escape the rat race and live a life of peace, calm and tranquillity, you must decide to make some profound changes so as to create your safe sanctuary in the absence of violence and hostility. Your heart is not a playground, so tell people to go and play elsewhere.

You are not the darkness you endured; you are the light that never gave up believing in the power of the universe. You were born with everything you need to answer the call of your soul and of the wild.  It is only with the heart that you can know the truth because often what is crucially important is totally invisible to the eye. It can only be sensed, felt, known and understood.

‘Give me your hand
Make room for me
to lead and follow you
beyond this rage of poetry.
Let others have
the privacy of
touching words
and love of loss
of love.
For me
Give me your hand.’


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