Linda Lancashire Psychic

Love And Loyalty Run Deeper Than Blood


Loyalty that crumbles in adversity was never constancy and devotion to begin with. A true loyal heart doesn’t waver when faced with challenges, it stands firm and resolute throughout the worst of tempests. It is an action, not a slogan. Be careful who you open up your heart to. People will want you for all kinds of selfish reasons, but it’s never the same energy reciprocated when you need them.

Trust is one of the most important qualities in any relationship. It is a fragile thing, once earned, it affords us tremendous freedom and even influence, but once lost, it can be impossible to recover. If there is no trust, then there is nothing much else worth having. If we have issues, then we must look internally for answers and ways of dealing them because there is always a silver lining in every dark cloud. What we are waiting for is not as important as what happens to us whilst we are waiting, so trust the process because everything is in a state changing and evolving. No matter how close you are to someone, when doubts and suspicions set in, the damage is already done, most of which is totally irreversible.

One day you will suddenly wake up and remember who you are, and then the game changes, just like that. There is no point in continuing a relationship harboured with doubts and resentments eroding it because sooner or later, the same issues will erupt again, they always do, it’s just a matter of time. One of the main reasons people cling onto the offenders who have betrayed them is because they fear being alone, having to deal with the pain and realisation of the truth about themselves. You can patiently pick up the broken pieces, glueing them back together again whilst trying to convince yourself that once mended, everything will be as good as new, but is that the truth? What is broken is broken and it’s better to accept that fact than staring at the shattered pieces forever more in a delusional manner. The discomfort that comes with some of your darkest days is the foundation upon which the best version of your life is built.

Never believe that you are the only person someone confides in. Whoever is careless or economical with the truth cannot be trusted with anything. Loyalty that is bought with money, may also be sold for gold ,silver and even less than that. Forgiving someone is easy, but being able to trust them again is an entirely different matter. It’s not that we are upset about the lies, but disturbed that we can no longer trust nor believe them.

In the quiet depths within your soul lies the pathway to your most profound truths. Never be tempted to trust a person who is everybody’s friend because they tend to lack discretion and self-respect. They often talk and gossip far too much to fill in the empty spaces in conversations using other people’s secrets as interesting topics. It makes them sound important to themselves, but foolish to the observers. If someone advertises their loyalty, you must always question why?

Speak less, listen more. React less, observe more. Never apologise, justify or explain anything. Your business is your own. Refrain from following the crowd if you don’t want to be part of it. Don’t let someone break you because they didn’t want to understand you. Be so rooted in your being that nobody’s absence, or presence can ever have the power to disturb your inner peace again. Learn to miss them without wanting them back, and when you are ready, let them go.
‘Words are easy, like the wind, faithful friends are hard to find.’ (William Shakespeare)

Love and light,
Linda and the Lulas xxx

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