Sensitives and deep feeling souls are absorbers of all the swirling emotions and energies surrounding them. They are highly aware of other people’s presences to the point where they soak up their attendances thoughts and feelings which cause them to feel overwhelmed and anxious, which is why it’s important to put down some very strong boundaries. Creating personal, uninterrupted space and privacy will all help to preserve your sanity and general wellbeing whilst keeping the undesirables at bay.
One of the greatest feelings is that you have made a difference in another person’s life. All too often people are ignored, overlooked, left alone, walked over, dismissed and forgotten about. They are invisible to many and often perceived as nuisances. During these difficult times when society can be so hostile, there are those who pretend not to notice the desperation and suffering of others if there are no profits or benefits for them. They don’t want the hassle and drama of an involvement because it might end up costing them time and money. We can learn much by watching and observing how people treat others. Showing kindness and appreciation speaks a great deal about a person’s character.
Always help someone if you can because you may be the only person who does. You may notice that the only people who understand what hitting rock bottom feels like are the ones who have experienced the darkness themselves. Any fool can claim to have all the answers, but the point is to understand what they are talking about. You are not a complete mess, but a deep feeling person living in a crazy, mixed-up world where nothing much makes sense. Always be the one who nurtures, encourages and builds. Look for the best in people, leaving them in better condition than when than you found them. Always honour your promises, demonstrate trustworthiness, remain grounded, love your yourself, and if all else fails, just breathe deeply. Laugh, even when you feel too ill, worn out or exhausted. Smile, even when you are trying not to weep and the tears streaming down your face are blurring your vision. Always be strong, stoic, empathetic, courageous and compassionate. Never ever run with the crowd because even they have no idea where they are going. Write your own rules in your own words. Sing, even when people stare at you, and sleep even when you are afraid of what the dreams might bring.
The Jos, euphoria and pain of all your past experiences are what make you the person you are today, because without your range of adventures, you are just another empty page, a blank notebook, a missing lyric and almost invisible. What makes you brave could also save your life one day. Never live in fear of anything or anyone because you are stronger than you probably give yourself credit.
‘Fear exploits the cheer from weak mind
Firm controlled mind throws fear to wind.
Self-mastery is everything.
The question is no who is going to let you,
but who is going to stops you?
You put the Devil on the other side, and I will come to fight.’
‘Start with your dreams and walk like you mean
to take everything you’ve seen to the top of a dream.
Keep yourself strong for the journey to the top
Cause you won’t quit for it’s all the way — no stops.’