Linda Lancashire Psychic

Preparing For The Future

Hello Readers,

Our lives are made up of various chapters and just like any book, as we turn the pages of our lives everything is made up beginnings, middle bits and endings. As we approach the end of any period of our lives, it’s a rarity if anyone is operating on full throttle and many are both anxious and excited about their future as we gently step towards the unknown, a brand time in our lives that can neither be stopped, escaped from nor avoided.

Many of us are not really that adventurous and steer away from taking risks that could go hopelessly wrong. Instead we opt to choose the tried and tested methods because we like to feel in control of our destiny and not prepared to throw caution to the wind, just in case. With age comes wisdom and sometimes its better the devil we know rather than gamble and risk everything on one single roll of the dice.

You may feel desperate for change but uncertain how to make it happen, yet you are ready to do what needs to be done, it’s just that currently your path is littered with obstacles and various people standing in your way, which isn’t really unusual. It’s called life. But occasionally it’s possible that you may sense a feeling of optimism and positivity beginning to seep through a few cracks in that brick wall you are staring at letting in a bit of sunlight through those cold grey skies. As we are living in an era of awkwardness, uncertainty and fearfulness about our long term security, day by day numerous positive energies will be gradually allowed to eclipse the worry, negativity and strife that has been causing you to feel so unsettled, scared even. As you try to make sense of recent events which have caused you great angst and frustration, your ability to understand others and do and say all the right things when needed the most will place you high up in the opinions and regard of the people who need and trust you the most.

Until Next Week,

Love and Light,

Linda and The Lulas xxx

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