Hello Readers,
The slower you go, the further you will travel. Slow and steady will get you exactly where you want to go. If you put too much pressure on yourself for quick results, you will probably lose enthusiasm, become bored and give up whatever you are doing sooner than you anticipated. When your world moves at an alarmingly fast pace and you find yourself lost in all the chaos, then it’s time to reacquaint yourself with the earth beneath your feet. We can only move forwards one day at a time. There are two things that most people want more of. More money and more time. They complain about not having enough of either, but people waste both time and money by frittering it away so that it literally evaporates into thin air and they can see nothing for it.
There are people who run around like headless chickens, wearing themselves out to a frazzle, chasing other people, chasing lovers, chasing money, chasing rainbows. They never have enough hours in the day and become annoyed with you for not keeping up with their manic pace. They call it moving forwards. They will pile on the pressure insisting that you ‘get a grip’ and move on. Not always good advice because some wounds heal very slowly and if you dismiss this fact, you are neither facing your demons nor facing reality. These people rarely learn the important lessons that life is trying to teach them, instead they go ‘gung ho’ into everything, fingers crossed, hoping and praying for the best possible outcome. The irritating thing about speaking with these people is that they nearly always gloss over and skimp on important information and think they know it all. They will rarely take any interest in what you are doing because all that they are focusing on is themselves.
Some are so busy watching the clock that they even resent being stopped in their tracks just for a chat or to answer a question because that would interfere with their timetable, disrupting their plans and ruining their day. You probably know people like this, always frightened of missing something and never enough hours in the day. People talk about ‘killing time’ whilst all along, time quietly kills them. Time is the coin of life. It’s the only coin you have and you are the only one who can determine how it will be spent so be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.
If you have experienced illness, surgery, trauma of any description, you have to give both your mind and body time to heal and acclimatise to what has happened. Healing cannot be rushed so there is no point in getting angry and frustrated because it’s not happening fast enough. Open wounds do not heal if they never close. Slow down, not for other people but for yourself, but only you can do this because only you know where the stitches belong.
Until Next Week,
Love and Light,
Linda and The Lulas xxx