Linda Lancashire Psychic

The Ego Wants to Go Faster, The Soul Wants To Go Slower

Hello Readers

Just because things happen slowly does not mean you will automatically be ready for them. If they happened too quickly you would be ready and alert for all kinds of suddenness and happenings aware that speed was trump. Slowness works in an altogether different principle, on the deceptive impression that there is plenty of time to prepare, which conceals the central fact that no matter how slowly things go, you will still always be slower. With all the confusion and constant stress and pressure we are under, it’s hard to stop being bounced around by life. No one who is frenzied makes good decisions because they are doing too many inessential things to concentrate on what is important and what is not. They tend to lack clarity and are guilty of poor judgement whilst jumping to conclusions. Hurrying can cause delays, setbacks and mistakes. Not everything that is done quickly is up to the required standards of excellence. Slowing down your pace gives you time to tune in to the energy, ponder, reconsider and press the reset buttons required for a more improved, precise performance and outcome. Go your way smoothly and carefully with less haste and you will still reach your destination. After all, who won the race, the tortoise or the hare? It’s better to be slow and careful whilst walking in the in the right direction than to be fast and careless on the wrong path. Ensure that you are on the right path before you begin to take your steps because some ground cannot be easily recovered. You can work at your own pace and still be successful because you are setting an example of being thorough and professional.

Take heart because certain things in your world are beginning to happen, albeit slowly. Real change always takes a very long time. It sounds unfair but it isn’t. It is a universal law allowing nature to evolve in its own time. It’s important that you try to stay as relaxed as possible even when the going gets tough because there are certain things that cannot be forced instantly such ad healing and growth. It isn’t until you slowdown that you begin to realise that you spend most of your days racing around at such breakneck speed until you are dizzy, and no one appreciates it, in fact, they even expect it.

It’s not advisable to keep up the intensity of the rapid pace you have been maintaining as you try to complete an endeavour because eventually your health will suffer. You might like to think you can get it all done in one fell swoop, and maybe you could, but you need to ask yourself this question? If you did, would you enjoy the experience, complete it as well as you could, and benefit immensely from it? Probably not, so rushing through something just to get onto the next thing, or whatever you are dedicated to right now, will inevitably suffer. No one appreciates shoddy workmanship, least of all be willing to pay for it.

When taken in the right direction, even a step that is only half a centimetre long is progress. Wise and slowly because those who run too fast tend to stumble. Faster is fatal, slower is safer, no step is insignificant. Take refuge in the fact that often the slower you go, the further you will travel.

The gentle overcomes the rigid.
The slow overcomes the fast.
The weak overcomes the strong.
Everyone knows that the yielding overcomes the stiff,
and the soft overcomes the hard.
Yet no one applies this knowledge.


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