Linda Lancashire Psychic

The Time You Enjoy On Yourself Is Not Wasted


Life is very short and anxious for those who forget the past, neglect the present, and fear for the future. Books have a unique way of stopping time in a particular moment, and whilst we savour their words we are constantly learning and self-educating because we knew that knowledge is power. People are frugal guarding their personal property, but as soon as it comes to squandering time, they are most frivolous of the one thing in which they ought to appreciate the most. Then they complain that they don’t have enough of it.

Here, right now, at this very moment, time is passing us by, ticking away, always at the exact same pace, stopping for no one and never going backwards. We can’t chase it because it will always outrun us. We can’t reverse it nor speed it along any faster than its already moving. The amount of time we have is completely and utterly out of our control, but the way we spend our time remains ours, and when it’s gone, no amount of riches or wealth can buy any of it back.

Time management often becomes difficult because we fall into a routine or develop bad habits. We are nearly always on the go, constantly striving for something, reaching out and grasping at thin air, often getting nowhere fast. And while all this hustle and bustle feels like productivity, it’s not always sustainable or a good way to spend our time because there are always other things we could be attending to. By learning to manage our strategic breaks and plan more carefully, we will save ourselves a lot of frustration and hassle. Periodically, the mind needs a rest from the demands of daily life and if we neglect to give ourselves those much-deserved pauses, eventually we will find ourselves on the way to burning out and risk becoming unwell.

Life is a continuous flow of changes, all of them transient, some beautiful and others ephemeral. Never be afraid of going slowly, only of standing still because then you will surely decay into oblivion. Shift your energy away from the slippery ground of bad attitudes and start moving intentionally towards the sunlight.  People and things will come and go because everything in this life is just for one moment in time. Nothing is permanent and, in the end, everything that is born must perish. All trauma and heartache is a personal experience. Nothing nor no one can prepare you for anything and we have to find our own way through the pain and sorrow of our losses. Nothing stays the same, it all gets crushed and broken and goes back into the earth. Everything passes with time, but only the moment you are currently in has any true meaning. There are things that stand the test of time and there are others that are lost forever. Love is fragile and you have got to spend all your time protecting it, feeding and nurturing it because if you do not, it will slowly fade away. There are some loves that last whilst others don’t. Later there is the aftermath that follows, and only time can heal the pain. Life doesn’t stand still, and sometimes it doesn’t pay to look backwards too much because none of it can be changed, and yet all our past experiences have brought us to this moment we have arrived at today. We are the total product of how we spend our time.

‘Time forever slips away,
With the setting sun and each dawn of a day.
The blossoms give way to falling leaves,
Another life taken; their family grieves.
‘Time can pass quickly, there’s never enough.
You miss when it was easy; now life is too tough.
The long hot days yield to the winter chill,
A new life begins, while another stops still.
Time is something you can never gain,
It only passes and brings new pain.
A warm spring shower turns to freezing snow,
People enter your life, only to leave you and go.
Time reminds you of all that you’ve lost,
You try and regain it, but there’s always a cost.
The warmth of the sun bows down to the cold,
A person once young, now frail and old’.

Love and light,

Linda and The Lulas xxx

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