Linda Lancashire Psychic

Walking Through The End, The Beginning Is Near


Our souls speak a language that is beyond many people’s understandings. It is a connection so rare that the universe will always keep us close and together. The soul knows when the search is over, and then it is done.

Listen to your heart and never be afraid to meet your shadow.  Use all your resources to strive to become a better person today than yesterday. Your soul is like an unfinished masterpiece, and you are the artist, so work diligently to polish and refine your outstanding workmanship. Everything has its own unique meaning and beauty depending upon the viewer’s perspective. To succeed in anything, there must be devotion, application, discipline and passion. Accept your path as an incredible expedition set with many challenges and obstacles, but with a trophy at the end that was worth pursuing and the envy of many. Choose what gives you peace of mind and let go what doesn’t save you. Focus your energies on what you are building, not what you are leaving behind. Never look back again because you are not going that way. That time has now passed.

Don’t be collateral damage in someone’s way against themselves. Depending on whether you are an optimist or pessimist, there are no problems, only experiences and empowered solutions to every set of circumstances. Change often happens to realign our energies and thought processes because nothing lasts forever, nor remains stationary for long. Everything is in a process of evolution, cycles of decay and rebirth. Real freedom goes beyond the realms of our minds and meets us back at the core of our inner being. It’s not always because you don’t want to spend time with people, but because you value your privacy and peace. You need the quiet to heal.

Your dignity can be mocked, abused, abraded, compromised, toyed with, lowered and even slandered, but it can never be taken away from you. Realise that you have the power to reset your boundaries, restore your image and start fresh with renewed values whilst discarding what no longer serves you. A spiritual voyage is a journey to the centre of a place no one can enter. Action transforms because the relationship between self and the external world is connected. It is not a question of first becoming enlightened, saved and then acting out a new scenario, but to work with what you have got, discovering new methods of thinking and learning. As you work to heal the earth, the earth, in turn will heal you.

The restoration of your soul is vital for your survival and cannot commence until a problem is fully faced and acknowledged. You have the power to reset your boundaries, restore your image and start afresh with renewed values which will all contribute greatly to the restructuring of your life.

There are times when it is necessary to spend time alone, avoiding all distractions and disconnecting from outside influences, negativity and toxicity. Equally it is just as important to connect with like-minded individuals whom you share common ground with. Your eyes are the windows of the soul because they express the words you are afraid to say. Out of suffering have emerged the strongest of souls whose hearts have been seared and scarred with pain, sorrow and loss, but who live to rise to another sunrise which is filled with hope and promise. When the road ends, the goal is gained. Who we came to be, and who we are now is a question without many cannot answer. Where do we even start on the daily walk of reinstatement and restoration ? We begin where we are at this present moment. The journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step.

‘A song to the skies, and the clouds weep
as if they had been asleep.
Our songs are felt above and below,
and seep into the depths of our Souls.
Grateful for another day of loving,
and grateful for all for which I am.’


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