Linda Lancashire Psychic

We Become Aware Of The Void As We Fill It


The eternal void is filled with infinite possibilities, and the peace you have now is worth everything that you have lost. That inner, nagging void you may occasionally feel is both the source of nothingness and, at the very same time, the source of everythingness. It is in the limitless context in which your entire world is both appearing and disappearing. There are empty holes and gaps in every event and stories lived and told. If we allow ourselves to get caught up in all the mayhem and drama, we will find ourselves sucked into a portal opening into a void that is so infinite, that once we have slipped into it, we can never escape nor find our way back home. We must always choose our battles wisely.

Throughout our lives we are bound to feel voids and emptiness at certain times, but it can be difficult to explain or determine exactly why? Sometimes excuses are used, yet none of them are the real reasons. Sometimes a person can feel as though their heart has dried up and there is nothing left because all is spent. We develop an acceptance of despair and emptiness as if it were normal. Each day our darkest thoughts corrode what we call living, as life ceaselessly swallows up our desire for the pain to end. It is this relentless succession of moments during which we confront the experience of meaninglessness endeavouring to make sense of it all.

The current world is just too chaotic and broken from the feeling of emptiness to know where to start with a recovery programme, and people often search around for things as a substitute for what is missing in an attempt to fill a void which resembles a bottomless pit. Even though they may feel desperate and lonely, they still hit out angrily just to let go of their emotions. Anger and revenge will never succeed in solving the problem because the root cause of emptiness is a distinct lack of self-love and care, and this is where the healing must begin.

Unpicking the wounds and appreciating your soul scars takes a great deal of courage, but it’s an integral part of learning to truly love yourself. Internal real and genuine emotional understanding cannot be done overnight, it has to be learned and applied. We cannot solve our own problems if we are unable to even understand ourselves and how we function. Love is an exceptionally strong, powerful moving force of energy. It is one of the main reasons we are all here. Without it, life can feel empty no matter how many material acquisitions, fame, fortunes and wealth we are endowed with, but for some people nothing is ever enough. They are always swimming around inside of the void trying to find the golden chalice. Attempting to please and appease is like throwing everything you have got into a fire pit . Silence is the root of everything and when people feel uncomfortable with too much peace and quiet, they will stop at nothing just to fill the empty spaces left behind from their wanting. Almost anything will do. The devil always makes work for idle hands.

If you are never alone you cannot know yourself, and if you do not know yourself, you will begin to fear becoming overwhelmed by the vast expanse of an emptiness that can never be filled. Yet, sometimes, it can be more difficult finding yourself in the company of others and their constant chattering and clatter than basking in your own inner calm, peace and space. We crave silence and the serenity of our quiet, safe retreat away from all the madness because everyone needs a sanctuary. We outgrow people and situations to the point of final detachment, but not everyone understands nor is ready to join us along our journey. They are stuck in their own world of forever seeking what doesn’t exist, constantly moving on and repeating the same old charade over and over again, but with a different set of new friends to try to impress. In the end their attempts to live the dream fizzles and disintegrates into a shallow grave of nonsense whilst entering the void of silence and an empty space of nothing. And so, the joy of life is unfurled.

Always remember that nothing can be something.

‘Dare, dare anything for the mere understanding of the singularity of life will open paths unknowable and In the depths of night, a void of stars,
Absence surrounds, like love’s painful scars.
As my own light fades, tears fill my eye,
How can I glimpse the heavens, when I’m too broken to fly?
if blocked, break it for there is a real irony in a single existence.
Yes it is precious, but is it really?
In the depths of night, a void of stars,
Absence surrounds, like love’s painful scars.
As my own light fades, tears fill my eye,
How can I glimpse the heavens, when I’m too broken to fly?’




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