Linda Lancashire’s Weekly Horoscopes
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Previous years horoscopes Previous Year’s Horoscopes
It is not possible to change what has happened but try to remember that everything happens for a reason and that we all have valuable life lessons to learn. At times of great difficulties, we cannot always comprehend why we are put under such pressure. or why these situations occur, but they do to almost everyone. Some intriguing new companions are about to enter your world bringing with them opportunities for you to spread your wings and fly.
March 21 – April 20
A relationship may not be fulfilling you in the way you expected, yet you are reluctant to make a decision about what to do next, if anything at all. Travel plans may have to be rescheduled for numerous reasons, but make sure that you are in a good financial position before committing yourself to something that you may regret later. Unafraid of hard work and being the kind of person who rarely, if ever gives up on anything or anyone, your tenacity and need for success knows no bounds.
April 21 – May 21
If someone has wronged you in the past or attempted to humiliate and demoralise you, then they have rightfully failed. Your spirit has not been broken, and you are strong enough to fight another day. You have many admirers and more friends than you probably realise. Always remain true to yourself because you have only yourself to answer to. A new chapter commences leading you towards greater achievements together with bigger and better things.
May 22 – June 22
A former friend from your past may attempt to make a connection the hope of starting afresh. Ensure that you have invested in the best security regarding your home and other personal possessions because we are living in some very unstable and difficult times. and numbers. You may be necessary to address legal papers by implementing some important detail changes. Don’t leave anything to chance.
June 23 – July 23
There may well be a conflict of interests with someone professionally or experiencing difficulties in a personal relationship that is rapidly tarnishing what was once considered to be good and enjoyable. Prepare to make some important life changing decisions that will alter the course of your life positively. Perhaps you have been waiting for this moment to arrive for quite a long time, and now you are back in control.
July 24 – August 23
If you are searching for a new love interest, take your time because there is no rush. Before you can be successful in any venture, you have to know who you are and exactly what it is that you are looking for to find inner peace and serenity. A cash flow issue will need urgent attention. News from afar will cause great concern and you may feel it necessary to take a sabbatical from daily commitments to attend to matters of urgency.
August 24 – September 23
A new door opening either in your career or personal life. You will be given another chance to press the reset button and re-prioritise what is important and what can wait until a later date. Suddenly you start to see where you may have gone wrong in the past and where disastrous mistakes might have been made. Arrange some time away from mundane matters and take a well-deserved break from routine.
September 24 – October 23
It’s imperative that you don’t take foolish risks with your health by pretending that everything is all right when really all the signs are showing that professional advise must be sought. Someone may contact you resulting in placing you in a very awkward position because of a conflict of interests. It’s time to put down stronger boundaries disallowing your good nature to be taken advantage of yet again. Enjoy some quality family time with loved ones who always have your best interests at heart.
October 24 – November 22
Much has happened to you over recent years that have all led you to arrive at the place you are today. Although you may have been deeply hurt by the attitude and behaviour of certain individuals, you are doing the right thing by severing ties and walking a completely new and different path to before. By being extra vigilant and cautious your finances and investments are concerned, you will put yourself in a very enviable secure position.
November 23 – December 21
You might have to explain your reasons for taking a back seat in certain matters because enough is enough, and you are more interested in future developments than living in the past. Look ahead to travel possibilities and a pending new romance on the horizon. Your mind is changing about many things these days and it looks as though you will be making plans to live a very different lifestyle to the one you may have settled for earlier.
December 22 – January 20
You may be seeking a long-term commitment with someone you have grown to love and cannot imagine your life without. There are some enormous decisions to be made concerning your career, especially if it means you spend long periods of time away from home. It will be that the temptation of earning huge amounts of money is the deciding factor despite the sacrifices that accompany it. You may receive a gift of great sentimental or monetary value.
January 21 – February 19
You can never return to your old life because that episode is now over. For once, you will find yourself listening to common sense rather than to people who haven’t a clue as to who you really are. Never place your trust in outsiders because they are not walking your path, and neither are you really that involved in theirs. Its happiness and peace of mind that you are seeking rather than always striving for more material wealth and keeping up appearances.
A number of people will be astounded at your sudden change of mind priorities wondering what on earth has got into you. It’s just that you are beginning to see the true meaning of life and that what really matters is love and the people you care about most. You have tremendous stamina, energy and a zest for living, so you are not about to waste any more time doing things that you know are wrong for you. It’s time to follow your heart and do only what feels right for you.