Linda Lancashire’s Weekly Horoscopes
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Previous years horoscopes Previous Year’s Horoscopes
Look forward to a complete change of direction as you strive towards great accomplishments and connecting with other likeminded individuals which will encourage you to expand your social circle giving you a new lease of life. If you have been contemplating relocating, now is the ideal time to put ideas into action. Certain people may strongly disagree with your reasons, but ultimately, you must do what feels right for you.
March 21 – April 20
If you have experienced some kind of personal setback, this could act as a catalyst to start afresh by taking a closer look at all your options. Look after your health and pay special attention to your mental health as well as the physical because there is much to address as the months roll by. An irritating matter will resurface again forcing you to make some important decisions before they completely swamp you with even more problems.
April 21 – May 21
If you have recently experienced some endings, there could still be the residue of unfinished business to attend to before you can move forwards. A job interview will go well, and you will probably receive the news you have been anxiously waiting for. A new romance will begin before too long if that is what you are hankering after, but a current relationship may be getting ready for an overhaul and make over.
May 22 – June 22
There is so much whirring around in your mind that you cannot think straight but rest assured that everything is in order, and it won’t be long before new doors begin to open indication a change of fortunes. It’s as though everything is happening all at once and you cannot afford to let your concentration slip. If in business, this is a brilliant time for you to make some extra money and start looking closely at pensions and investments.
June 23 – July 23
Your days may have to revolve around family and loved ones until the pace slackens granting you some quality time for yourself. Pressure at work may also increase because your presence is needed, and others look towards you for direction. A newcomer may turn out to become someone extremely special who will play a very important role in your life assisting you in areas you are struggling with.
July 24 – August 23
You are not always willing to share your feelings nor to divulge personal information. You know more than most that there is always more to a person than meets the eye, so you are right in remain private and confidential about your business. Rarely is anything straightforward, and you are about to embark on one of the most complicated set of circumstances imaginable, but you are about to resolve a difficult problem satisfactorily. Keep your eye on holiday bargains.
August 24 – September 23
You have lots of energy and enthusiasm most of the time, so its time, but this does not mean that you are obliged to do everything for others when they are perfectly capable of sorting themselves out. If you are employed but finding things slow and dragging, then it’s time to review the situation and look at making a few constructive changes. Someone you thought might have been interested in starting a romance is giving you mixed signals, so heed the warning signs before it’s too late.
September 24 – October 23
Your creative powers are at their very best and everything is now pointing towards you making a breakthrough in areas you previously found yourself restricted in. You may experience friction in a personal relationship whilst wisely reminding someone that you do not respond gladly to mind games. Operating behind the scenes will be both productive and rewarding where finances and business are concerned.
October 24 – November 22
Your powers of intuition and elimination already knows that someone is being dishonest regarding their current circumstances and playing the victim. The secret is not to be charmed by illusions or kid yourself that things are better than they are. Start working on a project that could further your career or make you some serious money because now is the right time to focus your energies on creating a more secure future for later.
November 23 – December 21
You are becoming weary of other people’s excuses and ready to walk in a completely new direction. Everyone is telling you a different story, so it’s difficult to know who to believe. Always be guided by your gut feelings refusing to settle for second best. Faced with life changing decisions it seems you could be hesitant over contracts and agreements which need your approval before proceeding to the next stage. If you are looking for romance, temptation will most definitely be put in your way.
December 22 – January 20
Your suspicions will be heightened regarding someone’s strange behaviour, and in this instance, you are right not to take someone into your confidence. They are already proving that they cannot be trusted. Your personal life is of utmost importance and a serious worry which has been causing you sleepless nights will at last be resolved, but at a price. The future holds many opportunities to expand your interests and there are lots of pleasant surprises in store as the year unfolds.
January 21 – February 19
Growing concerns over jobs, career and the state of your finances will take their toll as you have lots to consider relying on the support and love of close partnerships as you endeavour to navigate your way through the difficult times. However, on a lighter note, someone may invite you out on a date with a view to developing a meaningful friendship, or perhaps something more romantic. Take a break because a change of scenery will be just the tonic needed.
If you are in the process of either moving house or having renovation work done to your existing home, the whole procedure will be both stressful and expensive. You need to be completely honest as to your real feelings about how much all this upheaval is impacting on your health and wellbeing. A change of direction affecting your working life will enable you to plan for a more financially secure future that will provide you with more disposable income and a feeling of job satisfaction.