It is the belief that our actions and intentions have consequences, and that the energy we put out into the world will eventually come back to us full circle. Karma is a concept deeply rooted in various spiritual traditions and beliefs that illustrate that all our choices and actions have an impact upon our future. How others treat us is their karma, but how we respond is ours. If we choose to be disrespectful, our actions will eventually rebound and reflect in everything we think, say or do. Everything is mirrored back at us in some form or another over time, and there is no escaping it. Every time someone mistreats you and exposes a darker side to their personality, they unwittingly expose an unresolved issue that has been allowed to fester. Their whole demeanour is a marked statement about who they really are, not a condemnation of you. Never take anything personally because it is they who must examine their own conscience.
Take a few steps back and closely watch how people treat others because this will give you a very clear indication of what you can expect of them in the future. An honourable person is fair and respectful, even to their enemies, because they are intelligent enough to know that every move, they make is a representation of themselves. A careless individual will always display meanness and a lack of respect and consideration whilst plucking as much forbidden fruit they can get away with. The universe does not carry debts, it always returns to you what you originally sent out. Sometimes it can take years to return.
Where possible, show love, kindness, empathy and compassion. Displaying graciousness is a peaceful way to live and a beautiful legacy to be remembered by. When you are in the company of others, make a point of celebrating their strengths, not their weaknesses. Words of encouragement and support can go a long way to restore a person’s faith in life once again. Be a Good Samaritan wherever you may find yourself because a friend in need is a friend indeed. Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you may choose to nurture in the future. If you respect yourself, you will also respect others. If you have the power to make someone happy today, do it because the world needs more of that, especially during these turbulent and volatile times we are currently experiencing.
The love you send out into the world today is the love that one day will return to you. A reminder will force you look back and realise that we always reap what we sow.
‘Love is enough: though the World be a-waning,
And the woods have no voice but the voice of complaining,
Though the sky be too dark for dim eyes to discover.’