Linda Lancashire Psychic

You Don’t Have To Tolerate Anything


Our greatest glory is not avoiding failure, but in rising up from out of the darkness every time we fall into the abyss. Any kind of recovery is an acceptance of the choices you previously made. Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction can be a strong indication that improvement and growth is taking place all adding to your life experiences. Your best days are ahead of you, so never give up hope of basking in the sunlight again. What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to remain where you are indefinitely.

Choose your friends wisely. There are plenty of people out there who will quite happily drain the life out of you to fuel their relentless hunger for both negativity and attention. Emotional vampires can wreak havoc if you don’t have any effective strategies to deal with them. They can be incredibly thick skinned and show little care or consideration for anyone or anything. They don’t care how sharp and to the point your expressions are, or how disinterested you appear in connecting with them, all they are interested in is self-gratification and what fuels their needs and desires. Everything in their lives is based on dramas and make beliefs as they take centre stage in acting out their scenarios whilst lapping up audience participation and adulation.

It is always important to take heed of all the things that are causing you to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Each event provides a valuable opportunity to look deeper within yourself because there is much to be learned about the issues that cause you the greatest anxieties, discomfort and vexation. If you start feeling fretful and uncomfortable and during any kind of interaction with them, that is because their particular brand of energy is toxic and should be avoided at all costs. Be brave enough to take the necessary steps to distance yourself from anything or anyone whom you find disruptive or repulsive. Unspoken communication often has more influence than a verbal tirade. There is no reason to allow other people’s problems to become yours. Never let people who unacceptable behaviours rent to space in your life. Do the only sensible thing by raising the rent and showing them where the exit is situated. Reclaim your power and guard your privacy. Your life does not get better by chance, it improves by you making wiser choices.

Sometimes we motivate ourselves by thinking of what we want to become, or by focusing on who and what we don’t ever want to be again. At some point, you decide who stays in your life and who or what is no longer welcome.

Never give up, because often it’s the last key on the key ring that opens the magic door. Try to remember that even in your darkest hours, hope provides a light.

‘Untangle the knots that bind the soul,
Personal freedom, an anthem to extol.
Within your being, liberation’s key,
Unleash the spirit, wild and free.’

Love and light,
Linda and the Lulas xxx

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