Hello Readers
The most important day of your life is when you acknowledge that you are who you are. Never change to please others. You don’t need to be accepted by anyone, just quietly accept and rest yourself and everything else will fall into place. Stay ad lovely as you are, and smile. Words are not necessary.
There will always be people who readily convey the message that maybe you are not good enough, substandard, sadly lacking, which is totally wrong, but reveals much about who they really are. The only effective way to deal with them is to find the strength block them, never to reverse your decision again because leopards do not change.
So many people struggle with indecision to the point where it causes anxiety and undue stress. Always remember that your value doesn’t depend on meeting someone else’s impossibly high standards, or your own for that matter. Their opinions are of no consequence and won’t change anything. You always have been, and will be, enough. To find yourself, it is important to spend time in splendid isolation, solitude and time alone, which so many people are too fearful of doing, so they continue to struggle with always wanting to be liked. First and foremost, you must like yourself. In the silence you will hear your soul speaking the truth. Those in denial as to who they truly are will remain lost until they find themselves:
From this day forward become so confident and self-assured in yourself that other people’s opinions, rejections and unacceptable behaviour no longer has the power to disturb your peace. Always remain guarded with whom you share your weaknesses and innermost secrets because you cannot afford to put yourself in a position of vulnerability and risk to your safety. All self-discipline starts with the mastery of your thoughts, feelings and actions.
The measure of your success largely depends on the depths of your desires, intentions and ambitions. Invariably there may be times when you must admit defeat in order to understand your errors of judgement and work on rebuilding your life into something stronger, more durable, resilient and impenetrable. Silence and quiet are your greatest tools for dealing with any situation. Never engage in other people’s aggressive behaviour. Walk away.
The more in harmony you become with the flow of the Earth’s energy, the more abundance and good fortune you will attract. There is no need to wait for permission before making your next move. You already know what you want out of life and possess the wherewithal to obtain it, and more. Know and recognise your worth, even when you have had enough, exhausted and beyond the pale.
If you don’t intentionally create your own future surroundings, your mind will use whatever is left in your past memory box to replicate what it already knows, and so previous cycles of behaviour are replicated. In every thought and deed, take the lead. There is no external piece to fit any void because in your entirety you are more than enough. You are connected to absolutely everything the universe, but more especially, your happiness counts the most.
Needing nothing attracts everything because your worth goes to the core of your very being. Follow your soul, it knows the way back home.
‘There is a wholeness that’s already mine.
It’s already ours.
I am not just the seed,
I am the rain that waters the flower.
It’s a reality that’s already there,
That I am enough.
I take on faith
That wholeness is already mine,
That I need do nothing to deserve,
that my worthiness is based only on my being.
Beyond the shadows
That I have created,
The message remains:
I am the same.
I have always been enough,
Simply by being here.
Simply by being.’